WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Bragging rights, instance-only mounts, and sidegrades.
It had some of the best fury gear in the game. After AQ40 was basically the death of the rogue since fury wars would put up better melee DPS since they scaled better. Like you said the rogue shit was just sidegrades so the instance didn't give them any power.


To the WoW Community - - Forums - World of Warcraft

"We wanted to let you know that we?ve been closely following the Nostalrius discussion and we appreciate your constructive thoughts and suggestions.

Our silence on this subject definitely doesn?t reflect our level of engagement and passion around this topic. We hear you. Many of us across Blizzard and the WoW Dev team have been passionate players ever since classic WoW. In fact, I personally work at Blizzard because of my love for classic WoW.

We have been discussing classic servers for years - it?s a topic every BlizzCon - and especially over the past few weeks. From active internal team discussions to after-hours meetings with leadership, this subject has been highly debated. Some of our current thoughts:

Why not just let Nostalrius continue the way it was? The honest answer is, failure to protect against intellectual property infringement would damage Blizzard?s rights. This applies to anything that uses WoW?s IP, including unofficial servers. And while we?ve looked into the possibility ? there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard?s IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server.

We explored options for developing classic servers and none could be executed without great difficulty. If we could push a button and all of this would be created, we would. However, there are tremendous operational challenges to integrating classic servers, not to mention the ongoing support of multiple live versions for every aspect of WoW.

So what can we do to capture that nostalgia of when WoW first launched? Over the years we have talked about a ?pristine realm?. In essence that would turn off all leveling acceleration including character transfers, heirloom gear, character boosts, Recruit-A-Friend bonuses, WoW Token, and access to cross realm zones, as well as group finder. We aren?t sure whether this version of a clean slate is something that would appeal to the community and it?s still an open topic of discussion.

One other note - we?ve recently been in contact with some of the folks who operated Nostalrius. They obviously care deeply about the game, and we look forward to more conversations with them in the coming weeks.

You, the Blizzard community, are the most dedicated, passionate players out there. We thank you for your constructive thoughts and suggestions. We are listening.

J. Allen Brack"

a "pristine" server sounds cool to me to be honest


Lord Nagafen Raider
I thought about it, a pristine server is nothing of the sorts, it's not vanilla at all.
Original WoW was more a world and less a game (let alone this lobby game of today). Gameplay wise it was a nightmare in comparison, just think about the 8 slots limit for boss debuffs which by itself killed classes and talents like there was no tomorrow or if you are masochistic, think about levelling a paladin with pretty much one active ability on a 8 or 10 seconds timer.

As I said previously I play nostalgia servers for nostalgia reasons, for losing myself in Azeroth, enjoying it for what it was, with the parts I loved and the parts I... loved less. I don't give a fuck about raiding MC or whatever, it certainly is not on my list of goals to obtain on a private server. I'd rather enjoy the good old world with unforgiving pulls at newbie levels, with super simple class rotations (3 buttons), just to chill in my favourite zones every now and then. All five men dungeons of course would be my main goal, I loved them.

It would be very cool to play one of those classes that could make an awesome weapon, say Anathema/Benediction, or Rhok'Delar or be the lucky bastard to make a Sulfuras/Thunderfury, but I don't think that would be my priority at all, as I said.


Molten Core Raider
Remember that guild that all got banned because they deleted files and were able to jump through the walls in aq40 and skip all the trash


Got something right about marriage
I thought about it, a pristine server is nothing of the sorts, it's not vanilla at all.
Original WoW was more a world and less a game (let alone this lobby game of today). Gameplay wise it was a nightmare in comparison, just think about the 8 slots limit for boss debuffs which by itself killed classes and talents like there was no tomorrow or if you are masochistic, think about levelling a paladin with pretty much one active ability on a 8 or 10 seconds timer.

As I said previously I play nostalgia servers for nostalgia reasons, for losing myself in Azeroth, enjoying it for what it was, with the parts I loved and the parts I... loved less. I don't give a fuck about raiding MC or whatever, it certainly is not on my list of goals to obtain on a private server. I'd rather enjoy the good old world with unforgiving pulls at newbie levels, with super simple class rotations (3 buttons), just to chill in my favourite zones every now and then. All five men dungeons of course would be my main goal, I loved them.

It would be very cool to play one of those classes that could make an awesome weapon, say Anathema/Benediction, or Rhok'Delar or be the lucky bastard to make a Sulfuras/Thunderfury, but I don't think that would be my priority at all, as I said.
I seem to remember paladin leveling being a joke but I can't remember when I actually made and leveled one. That quest reward hammer they got at like level 20 was the real deal.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I loved the class quests that were long but rewarded imba as fuck items for their level. Warrior had the Rage Chest, Paladin's god damn hammer, if I remember right there was a Druid hat that reduced shapeshifting costs (and got removed from the game or nerfed some time during TBC because it was BiS at level 70 due to energy/rage bar resetting/having a talented +starting point on shapeshift, which was normally kept in line by druid's ittybitty mana pool and the high cost of shifting at the time)?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I have yet to level an alliance character past 20 in my entire WoW history


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
To be fair, Nost's 10,000 player PvP server was excessive.

3.000 online is just about right imo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No doubt. It was very crowded. But, at least we got to play. Staring at a queue timer for 2 hours isn't as much fun.

Maybe Kronos 3 will have to be in the works soon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I seem to remember paladin leveling being a joke but I can't remember when I actually made and leveled one. That quest reward hammer they got at like level 20 was the real deal.
Verigan's fist, hnngg, getting that piece outside BFD at lvl 20 was brutal but that hammer lasted at least until corpsemaker!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
It was fun leveling a mage and you get new blue gear and your mana goes up 80 so you can cast half of one extra frostbolt before OOM.



Lord Nagafen Raider
It was fun leveling a mage and you get new blue gear and your mana goes up 80 so you can cast half of one extra frostbolt before OOM.

But those spell levels when you got the new frostbolt or the new water, oh man $