WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream


Anyone play on a good Burning crusade server? Was going to try Excalibur but they have a cash shop apparently. That makes me nervous to spend too much time on it.
I'm playing on Looking4Group. It released a couple weeks ago and has some issues they're working on, but it's been fun so far. EU times are laggy as fuck, but NA is pretty good.


Seriously, fuck going outside during the summer down here. When I was younger, it was football from 7am to 9am, then wow till bedtime.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Why are y'all playing on rebirth instead of kronos 2? I realise kronos has been having lots of problems and they keep pushing a date for when it will be finally fixed, but playing on the sever is a blast when it's working. There's just so much people leveling all over. I rerolled with a friend on horde side on saturday and we spent all day prepping to do RFC, which we did last night and it was just... fun. Except the drops are super crap, but it was fun nonetheless


Lord Nagafen Raider
Why are y'all playing on rebirth instead of kronos 2? I realise kronos has been having lots of problems and they keep pushing a date for when it will be finally fixed, but playing on the sever is a blast when it's working. There's just so much people leveling all over. I rerolled with a friend on horde side on saturday and we spent all day prepping to do RFC, which we did last night and it was just... fun. Except the drops are super crap, but it was fun nonetheless
I know nothing about Kronos, but Rebirth is coded very well and there are a lot of people playing. It fills my nostalgia-fueled gaming requirements fairly well.


Trakanon Raider
Rebirth also has the option to get up to 5x quest experience if you want to help power through those shitty parts where you run out of quests and have to grind.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My kid wants to play WoW over the summer, I'm going to set him up on rebirth so we can play together. Haha. Gonna make him roll a warrior and I'll be a priest.
Pool or bust.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Rebirth also has the option to get up to 5x quest experience if you want to help power through those shitty parts where you run out of quests and have to grind.
Only area I remember grinding in with my warrior like... two weeks after release, was between Stonetalon (horde obvs) and Dustwallow questlines, as I had literally done everything else that was available between those. If you run dungeons however you'll cruise past any of that stuff. Nice option, though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kronos servers are having issues throughout the day, currently. But, the population really strong - especially on K2 - and it's a lively server. I'd say stronger pop than a live server ten years ago. Barrens chat on K2; better than I remember.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Barrens chat on K2 is so frigging aids. All I ever see is people yelling EUROCUCKS and how much trump rocks. I am european and definitely prefer trump as the next potus but the shitposting levels in the barrens are cancer rather than trolly, as it used to be. I guess the higher level you get the less pants on head retards you'll run into though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rebirth also has the option to get up to 5x quest experience if you want to help power through those shitty parts where you run out of quests and have to grind.
This will be available until the end of the war effort (AQ opening event) or so was the initial plan. According to estimations, it will be live one more week or a little bit longer.
Most of the people are nice, few idiots and most of them are ex-Nost or Kronos refugees, this bunch was the worst in global chat, but it's getting a bit better. WoW being WoW means that global always has a certain amount of retardation in it, you usually get a special case every 30 people after all and Rebirth is not different.


Trakanon Raider
This will be available until the end of the war effort (AQ opening event) or so was the initial plan. According to estimations, it will be live one more week or a little bit longer.
Most of the people are nice, few idiots and most of them are ex-Nost or Kronos refugees, this bunch was the worst in global chat, but it's getting a bit better. WoW being WoW means that global always has a certain amount of retardation in it, you usually get a special case every 30 people after all and Rebirth is not different.
Fuck me, I'm only 22. Guess I'll just 5x experience it for a bit this weekend and just blast some levels before it's removed. WoW leveling is one of the worst things to ever do.


Molten Core Raider
Kronos seems so aids. When they came to rebirth when servers were down they were all terribad dumb


Golden Knight of the Realm
biggest server gonna attract the biggest amount of retards. It's basically kungen's and sodapoppins twitch followers spewing their bs


Considering how much demand there is, it's bizarre how there has never been a good TBC server. You'd think it would be easier to make than a vanilla server if you grant level boosts to 58 so that you can leave all the vanilla content in a buggy mess because nobody needs to do it. That leaves you with just Outland to fix up, which should take way less time than fixing up the entire original game. Still, literally nobody has ever managed to make a TBC server that came even close to being Nost-level quality (which wasn't even that spectacular, just tolerable). I recently tried that L4G one and gave up after it crashed like eight times in my first hour. According to their forum, this had simply been the state of the server since it started. I have no clue how anybody endures that shit.


Toe Sucker

I guess the nostalrius folks are at blizzard hq
So he already went there last week and he's back again?

Inc vanilla/bc servers that require an active subscription and a copy of Legion ayyyyy

*to be announced THIS BLIZZCON, because they have -- NOTHING ELSE TO ANNOUNCE --


Inc vanilla/bc servers that require an active subscription and a copy of Legion ayyyyy

*to be announced THIS BLIZZCON, because they have -- NOTHING ELSE TO ANNOUNCE --
It's almost as if they're trying to make money off of the work they do!!

Honestly, if Blizzard were to provide official legacy servers that require nothing more than a subscription and up-to-date account, it'll be a huge boon to the countless players who are looking for this, and way more than even the most retardedly optimistic dreamer could have hoped for last year. Of course they're not going to do it for free. If it merely costs the same as playing retail WoW has always cost, it's an enormous gift to the community. It would justify their shutdown of private servers.