Avatar of War Slayer
We are hopefully within 5 years of the adoption of factories being able to buy their own self contained mini-reactors. It will be interesting to see how things play out once those are a proven technology and available to a wide swath of corpo interests, not just the domain of a handful of power companies.Jesus Christ, your mewling about power consumption is so fucking retarded.
My genuine hope is that these endeavors suck so much power out of the grid that it causes rolling blackouts (in shithole states like California) and forces the hands of everyone involved to the decades-late realization that we never had a power generation crisis, only a crisis of faggots unwilling to embrace nuclear power as the actual, literal answer to all our energy problems.
They are in early production stage now, and various UK companies have ordered at least 24 from a US company called Last Energy, as reported last March:

US firm agrees to sell 24 mini nuclear reactors to UK customers
The American company’s direct route to market negates the need for government subsidy
The tech involved:
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