Death and Taxes
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Understandable, who wants to play a PS2 like some kind of fucking savage?In the letter, which has a threatening tone, Breivik wants communication restrictions lifted and more frequent phone calls than the 20 minutes he says he is given per week.He also wants the available PlayStation 2 console replaced by a modern version.
There is no death available that is gruesome and painful enough for this fuck.
If they really wanted to torture him, something like a Wii with only motion controls or one of the many awful 32 bit systems of the 90's.Norwegian mass killer Breivik threatens to go on hunger strike for bigger gym, video games
Understandable, who wants to play a PS2 like some kind of fucking savage?
Sounds like he's cleaning up the streets. Good on him.
I would be shootin' at punk kids too if I lived in Little Rock:
The former editor of a Hong Kong newspaper whose abrupt dismissal in January sparked protests over press freedom is in critical condition after being hacked Wednesday by an assailant with a meat cleaver, police said.
Police said a man wearing a motorcycle helmet attacked Kevin Lau in a residential neighborhood and then fled on a motorcycle driven by another man.
Lau was hospitalized in critical condition with slashes in his back and legs, said Kwan King-pan, acting superintendent of Hong Kong Police.
Police did not announce any motive for the attack and appealed to the public for information.
So yeah. We're going to need you to deliver regular updates. That's some fucked up repugnant shit.So at about 7:30 this morning my neighbour across the street comes over while I'm putting my dog out and he asks if I've seen anyone near his place this morning. I told him I hadn't and he proceeds to tell me that some lunatic left an envelop on his truck's windshield wiper with pictures of his kids and a letter saying something about cats, the cops, and that a mysterious "they" were watching his kids. Very creepy and very disturbing. I didn't think that anything could surprise me anymore. I hope he called the cops.
Dude that was me, how the hell did you know I post on these forums, are you stalking me? Did you put those pictures there?Ha! The guyisa renter...