WTF Story Thread?


Riddle me this...
Did you know that if you cut your ears off, you reduce your chance of getting ear skin cancer because there is less skin to damage, you have better hearing of things behind you and some women actually prefer it? Also dicks are really good at wiping the blood away after the cut.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
There is no reason to circumcise except religion. The atheists doing it are just fitting in... With the religious tradition.
I'll agree the the typical "less prone to infection" excuse is largely rationalization of an antiquated practice.

With that said, anecdotal evidence time: I was circumcised at 9 yo. Foreskin was too tight and got stuck down while cleaning up and it was restricting blood flow to the gland so that was an emergency procedure too.

Not saying it's common, but there's valid medical reasons.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Duh? I think it's safe to assume when discussing circumcision we're talking about just cutting every damn newborn that pops out. If there's actually a medical reason that presents itself, of course, cut that shit off. But that's something you're doing to address a specific problem in front of you, not cutting shit off at birth and saying, "Well something bad MIGHT happen so, you know, might as well cut!"

The Master

Bronze Squire
Circumcision is just weird. 80% of the world doesn't practice it at all and doesn't have the medical ills it claims to reduce in greater numbers than we do. We primarily practice it because of Dr. P. C. Remondino and his idea that mutilating people's genitals would make them masturbate less and this was in line with Victorian values of sex being the devil. It gained more traction in the U.S. over a 50 year period than anywhere else because an inordinate number of Doctors in the U.S. at that time were Jewish (seriously, even today like 14% of doctors are Jewish and that is a decrease) and of course they aren't going to object to the practice.


I dunno, maybe I'm a bit biased, but speaking as someone who was circumcised (as a baby, and I'm not Jewish) and has also heard a of of nasty stuff about circumcision, I don't really have much to complain about. I have never had to had to deal with smegma ("cock-cheese" for the layman) or any of the potential difficulties that arrive from inadequate peen-cleansing, and although I've heard that sex is apparently not as pleasurable for the circumcised, my orgasms have never been anything less than stellar. Plus, my cock always looks ready for a photo shoot.
I don't know if I would have any future sons circumcised, but it's certainly never bothered me at all. For what it's worth.

The Master

Bronze Squire
Both having foreskin and having smegma act as a lubricant, that is part of what they are there for. You'd be surprised how many cut guys have to masturbate with lube, they literally can't do it without it. Uncut? Nope, zero problem. And you can actually regrow foreskin (you hang weighs to the skin for a little while each day and it stretches). They've done studies on increased/reduced sexual function on people who have "recovered" their foreskins. Result? An across the board increase in sensation and sexual satisfaction. So if it feels good to you now, just remember it could have felt better.

It has minor benefits for smell and appearance if you don't wash your junk. But no one is going to be touching your junk if you don't wash it anyway, so I hardly see that as an upside.


i can't masturbate without copious amounts of lube. i also have severe issues with sexual sensitivity (it takes forever to finish, even if i go solo). probably related to the fact i am circumcised. oh well.

The Master

Bronze Squire
i can't masturbate without copious amounts of lube. i also have severe issues with sexual sensitivity (it takes forever to finish, even if i go solo). probably related to the fact i am circumcised. oh well.
Google the foreskin recovery thing. It is really simple and I've never read a case where someone regretted doing it. After you stretch the skin enough so you have a new foreskin, it'll take about six months for the skin to become resensitized.



Does male circumcision affect sexual function, sensitivity, or satisfaction?--a systematic review.

It's official: Circumcision DOESN'T affect sexual pleasure, according to biggest ever study of the issue | Mail Online

Also, I've never used lube. Ever. Not with a partner and not alone. No sensitivity issues either.

As for the guys who've regrown their foreskins and claimed greater sexual pleasure... I dunno. Placebo effect? Subconscious desire to have taken control of their own sexuality? Need to justify hanging weights on the end of their penises? Your guess is as good as mine.


per your own story

"However the authors concede that circumcision for medical reasons may be linked with problems in the bedroom.
They mention an Australian study which found that men circumcised after infancy for medical reasons were less likely to want sex."

So that if your dick wasn't working before circumcision, and works better after, yes you are more satisfied. If it was working fine before, it works worse after.

I would also venture that a good portion of people who have dick problems don't talk about it because it makes it sound like "you arent a man". While the tip might be the most sensitive, you certainly can't be doing good by getting rid of some of the surrounding area.

edit : i would like to find a study on adult men who had good sex lives and had one performed. which there probably isn't one because who the fuck would cut good working dick off his self.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I know several people who had circumcisions as adults for non medical reasons. I don't know why. That being said, they all reported conflicting reports on sexual pleasure. Some said it was better afterwards, some said it was worse afterwards. It seems evidence either way is anecdotal.


I know several people who had circumcisions as adults for non medical reasons. I don't know why. That being said, they all reported conflicting reports on sexual pleasure. Some said it was better afterwards, some said it was worse afterwards. It seems evidence either way is anecdotal.
Did you get to suck the blood?