he must have come later on, yeah he's pretty weird.Clayface was pretty fucked up in a scary way esp what happened to him n all but ventriloquist guy was real, real dark.
he must have come later on, yeah he's pretty weird.
Clayface was pretty fucked up in a scary way esp what happened to him n all but ventriloquist guy was real, real dark.
he must have come later on, yeah he's pretty weird.
Has anyone ever argued the other side of this?Famke is hotter than Sophie
i doubt it, dark sansa can fuck off.Has anyone ever argued the other side of this?
I actually think she's turned into a very good actress for her age. She's just not very pretty.If Sophie wasnt a celeb she wouldnt be considered average. Her career ends with GoT.
Yes, those. I remember thinking 'someone should make a game with these.'These are the cards where they had depth charts for fighting prowess, and power if I remember right. Good chit.
Famke is hotter than Sophie
The faceplant into a rock when engaging the 4 horseman cracked me the fuck up.I like how Rogue's job was to follow Jean around and fix all her mistakes.