Xbox 360 RPG's


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Someone gave me an Xbox 360 . I was wondering if there were any decent RPG's for it that I did not already have on the computer ( IE Dragon Age, Mass Effect). Did a few Google searches and have only been able to find two, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata.


Someone gave me an Xbox 360 . I was wondering if there were any decent RPG's for it that I did not already have on the computer ( IE Dragon Age, Mass Effect). Did a few Google searches and have only been able to find two, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata.
If you don't have Dark Souls, I'd highly suggest it, although it's a pretty difficult game. It is available for PC, although it's better on a console IMHO.


Top Tier:

Tales of Vesperia- Best X360 JRPG, it's a fantastic action RPG that has little, if any, flaws
Lost Odyssey- Second Best X360 JRPG - classic turn based RPG by the original fathers of Final Fantasy who left to make their own company, Mistwalker
Dark Souls- Also on the PC, but fucking amazing no matter where you play it
Final Fantasy XIII-2- Fantastic JRPG, much better than 13, 13-2 is better in every possible way imagine and a really great game
The Witcher 2- Totally amazing RPG. There's also a PC vesion, but it takes a lot of horsepower to run it. X360 verion doesn't quite compare to a maxed out PC version, but is still one of the best looking X360 games.

Mid Tier:

Magna Carta 2- Really fun and often overlooked "JPRG" from a Korean studio, definitely deserves to be checked out
Blue Dragon- Pretty good JRPG - Pretty much Dragon Warrior, except more cartoony art. Also made by Mistwalker
Dragon's Dogma- Pretty good RPG from Capcom that they tried to make like a Western RPG
Resonance of Fate- Bad plot, bad script, kinda shitty graphics, totally awesome combat engine that's very unique

Low tier:

Enchanted Arms- Super simple, but enjoyable, especially since it probably costs like 5 bucks
Eternal Sonata- Slow, very very slow. Enjoyable if you can get past that.
Overlord- fun little RPG (also on PC)
Overlord 2- more of the fun little RPG (also on PC)
Might & Magic: Dark Messiah- Also on PC, but the console release is a bit different and has a class system rather than an open ended skill tree system and some other tweaks.

Severe problem games:

Infinite Undiscovery- One of the most obnoxious and bad localizations ever, some characters make it nearly unplayable. Voice acting in it is really bad too. Decent combat systems, but not enough to excuse the rest.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope(vastly inferior to the PS3 version) - X360 version of this was ruined by a terrible multidisc setup and the most insultingly botched localization of all time. Seriously, this shit is that bad, the PS3 version is maybe a top tier JRPG (you can use the original Japanese voices and menu art in the PS3 version. The dialogue text is still from the English and characters don't even remotely match what they're saying, but at least you don't have to listen to their terrible English script)
Final Fantasy XIII- Hallways, hallways, more hallways. Seriously, it's one straight hallway until the very end of the game. Decent combat system. High production values keep it from being total dogshit
The Last Remnant- Fairly fun RPG with a quirky battle system and a ton of weird mechanics, also lots of tons of missable stuff if you don't straight play with a guide and it's possible to completely screw yourself. Unfortunately, it runs like complete and utter dogshit. The FPS in battles often tanks and things come to a crawl. There's also a PC version that runs much, much better and has a couple improvements.


Vyemm Raider
I want a remake of Last Remnant w/o all the bugs and graphical pop ins. The underlying game play elements were pretty tight but the game fell short due to its own convoluted mechanics.


TLP Idealist
Like Gecko and Sean said... Dark Souls, if you haven't played it already then getting this game should be your top priority.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I thought Lost Odyssey was pretty good. It felt like a mix of old school FF with modern graphics and improvements.

The Ancient_sl

Top Tier:

Tales of Vesperia- Best X360 JRPG, it's a fantastic action RPG that has little, if any, flaws
Everybody says this, but I turned it off on the first boss fight, when I couldn't figure out how to make combat any less "button-mashy" and I was already sick of the emo voice acting of the main character. Is there a hump I have to get over before it gets good, or is this just not my type of game?


Maybe not just your thing. The combat system is great and definitely not something you can button mash on higher difficulties as you get into it. Also, Yuri's not even remotely an emo character. He's a badass motherfucker.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Thanks guys, Ill work my way down Sean's list based on the consensus.


Silver Squire
Seans list is good I disagree on star ocean I really enjoyed that game but I recommend using a companion guide for the better endings.


Star Ocean is good, but only if you play the PS3 version. The X360's localization is just insultingly bad and the end-game and extra content is near unbearable with all the disc swapping.


Toe Sucker
I fully agree with seans top tier mentions, except FF13 lol. The rest are amazing, but i'd probably put Lost Odyssey as #1.. I still love the shit out of that game.


Toe Sucker
maybe i'll give it another shot, i burned out from FF13 trying to go back and play through it before i started 13-2, which left a hugely sour taste in my mouth lol

Vesperia and Lost Odyssey though, damn good games!


I just can't help but to keep with it and say that Skyrim is still the best RPG on 360 and/or PC. Sorry to any haters and such. It's just a great fucking game, period.