Forgot why I came here. Trying to uninstall a game through Xbox app on PC: Just open the app, click to uninstall a game, it doesn't uninstall. Hrm, click "details" tab to see if... doesn't matter, no details pop up. Wait, there's a pending update. No problem, app is easy to use! Just download and install the update to the game you want to uninstall before the app let's you uninstall it! Now I clicked uninstall, but never clicked to up update, it's asking if I want to "resume install". Do I want to resume install on my uninstall? Yes, I think.... Nope, it's updating the game by "resuming" an install I never started because I was trying to uninstall.
Dumb thing is I'm just trying to reinstall Forza Horizon 4 to a different folder in the hopes I can fix broken wheel support because it blocks access to the logitech profiler program with default install location. But can't find a 'reinstall' option like the mobile App has that is mostly useless because it's just default install location.
But it definitely is easy to click on all these steps I didn't want to take, so I'll give them credit for that.
Edit: Said update so I figured what the hell how big could it be, will just update and then uninstall. Now it says error 2% into the 79GB install. That sounds like the whole game! So, it uninstalled, but still registered an update, and tried to install the update, but the game had been 'uninstalled', so it tried to download the whole game again to install the update I needed to install to uninstall, and now something is causing an error.
What could be the error? Oh, great, I'm running out of space! Well, golly, uninstalling the game would sure free up some space! So, now I guess I'll need to uninstall something else to let the Xbox App do whatever the fuck it's trying to do so I can install the update so I can uninstall the game so I can reinstall the game onto the same drive that had 73GB free when Horizon 4 was fully installed 20 minutes ago before I needed to 'update' it to uninstall it.
Cancelled installation of whatever it was trying to install, and now the game isn't on the list in the Xbox App, but it didn't free up the space the game was taking up. So, manual delete time? So easy!
Went to uninstall programs... games I know are installed don't show up. No biggie, uninstalled something else, not going to hunt for shit right now.
Go to reinstall Horizon 4 from the App and it only gives a drive option, so doesn't let me put it into a specific folder that isn't protected, only the default on C. Now, maybe I guess I need to free up one of my smaller SSDs and set it up just so I can install one game, but it'll probably be 'protected' there, too, because MS somehow manage to be retarded when it comes to the fucking PC, ironically.