Are they doing a midnight release as well?Lol, the best buy website crashed.
Yeah fuck amazon, they have become a complete garbage company. I’m sure the Xbox they finally do send you will be some counterfeit Chinese shit like everything else on their site.Apparently Amazon sent out emails to some who preordered XSX to let them know they won’t actually get the console until the end of December. Less than 24 hours before the console launch.... wow.
Some Amazon Customers Might Not Get Their Xbox Series X Until Christmas
While some people are already opening up their brand new Xbox Series X consoles, for others—specifically those who ordered through Amazon—there might be a bit of a
It seems Xbox's are staying in stock for a couple of minutes at least. Saw Walmart and Costco both have them for 5+ minutes it seems.Costco has them on their website and I just ordered one. $539 with an extra controller but $25 shipping. It says out of stock on front page but when you sign in it will become available.
couple things
1. install seems broken when system is off, at least if you have a USB drive plugged in. Multiple people reporting it, whenever I turn my X off it stops installing, internal or external. I queued up like 20 gamepass games to install (Fables, Tetris Connected for Series X, Wastelands, tons more) so just turned power options to never turn off and leaving it running until everything installs.
2. few people reporting X is overheating and stops working
seems VERY rare, like maybe 5-6 reports total on reddit
3. might be COMPLETELY unrelated to 2, you know how this shit is on launch day (remember the 3080 and "OMGZ THE CAPICITATORS", turns out it was just driver issues) but a lot of people have said their X shuts off after running AC Valhalla. May wanna hold off on that game on X (and maybe PS5) until its for sure not a overheat culprit.
Are there actually new games? Everything you named sounds like something from the previous generation which you've reinstalled on a new box.I've had my Series X for about 2 hours now. Hardware wise its 10/10, the system looks like a work of art, its way smaller than I thought it'd be, and just looks gorgeous.
Its FAST. Remember how using the UI on the Xbox One X sometimes felt like either you didn't click a button or the system was laggy as shit? Thats gone, everything is quick as fuck and responsive and its GREAT. Its the same UI still, so if you hate that shit (i'm indifferent, its not great but its fine) you won't change your mind.
Games run great. Sometimes you notice, sometimes you don't. Loading into RDR2 multiplayer was super fast. I played Forza Horizon 7 and didn't notice a thing different.
So far two games have required massive updates just for the X version, Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5 both required ~70 gig new updates, and I had updated everything last night on my X. Destiny 2, Ori 1 & 2, Gears Tactics, RDR2, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (now in gamepass), etc all worked fine no updates.
The new controller feels GREAT, it feels way better in the hand than the old one. I'm using my elite 2, but honestly i may like the new controller hand feel a bit more. The buttons also feel a bit more responsive. Still using AA batteries, you can buy your own rechargable play-n-charge kit.
All in all super, super happy I kept one instead of selling them all, this is a great console to fuck around with gamepass games. I've got Gears Tactics, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Destiny 2 FULL, Tales of Vesperia DE, and Dragon Quest XI-S all to mess around with. For 2 days, until my PS5 arrives. A real gaming machine.
It’s a load of shit, why not just let the consumer order it on back-order so you don’t have to bash your head into a website to try and catch a glimpse of it not being sold out.Why the fuck can't I order an Xbox, from Microsoft, you know, the company that's fucking making them?
I want to use my Dell Preferred Account, which I can use at or Just an annoying inconvenience.