Just started this. Having serious difficulties early on with the timers. Does it relax a bit once you get your guys trained a bit?
Seems much harder at the start than the original.
Yes, timers get much easier once you get your guys up a little. Armor actually lets you handle a mistake, so you can be a bit more aggressive. It also gives you an extra inventory slot, so you get a lot more versatility. In addition, with better aim, you're not so restricted on positioning to get favorable odds. Lastly, when you can, get a ranger with Phantom or scanning beacons, both come very early in the game and they make timers much easier (Your 5th member, once you get it from the GTS, should be another range IMO, just for phantom. Early game nothing comes close; but late game it matters less because you have tons more options).
The scanning beacon can be thrown super far, much, much farther than a grenade even with a grenade launcher. It's an extremely powerful item (But like all items, it is out shined by the mimetic beacon. However, if you're not playing with 4 mim beacons, I suggest one of these). The phantom ranger is even better though. You lose a squad mate fighting the first pod, but that pod is USUALLY one you can set up on using concealment so it's typically easy. Then run your ranger ahead and find the next pod, and use your sniper to lure them in (Or if you can get close enough, grenade them without your grenadier being seen), the ranger gets an easy flank and it becomes another easy pod. (After which you only have to worry about one more on most maps, even on the higher difficulty).
(Not sure if you noticed this yes, sorry if it is something you have). When using these two methods, just pay attention to the target symbol next to the enemies name. That tells you if you have line of sight on the enemy. When moving your non-concealed guys, it will let you know how close you can move before the enemy spots you (And it shows up as you're moving your cursor before you commit to the move, so you can check your path. You can also tell if a location will let you shoot before you waste a move, too--it's probably the best addition to the game). Get all your guys as close as possible, then open up on them with whatever your biggest attack is (Either sniper or grenade). The phantom ranger or that beacon makes this all possible by giving you vision on them. Just pay attention to that little symbol as you move your revealed squad.