Finally started this. Uhh holy shit did they up the difficulty compared to Xcom 1? Just on normal and got full party wiped the first mission after tutorial.
Google searched and there's dozens of threads about "can't finish first mission". Lol.
I'm all for difficulty but at least don't front load it...
It's harder than 1 for sure. On anything higher than veteran, what Mist says pretty much stays accurate for a large portion of the game. It also has a lot of timed missions, with a very low margin of error, sometimes forcing you to rush and then punishes you for rushing even though it forces it. Do not be afraid to use grenades and max movement while concealed. Latter is a must to complete most timed missions.
If you do have the additional content (two missions), they are not time sensitive so can be saved for later. Good rewards, but quite hard if done when you can access them (3-4 missions into the game).
On PC I'd recommend the long war studio mods (if not the actual long war mod (contains all the smaller ones too), then add the others). Usually fairly accurate depending on what he does. True Concealment mod also adds the effect of the timers not activating until you break stealth, which gives you a few extra turns (or you can find mods that extend it or turn the timers off).
Also recommend the Arnold Schwarzenegger mod

Adds a heavy with voice snippets added from his movies.
Currently restarted on PS4 for fun (only on veteran), waiting for the expansion. First 5 missions were flawless. Even got a "--" as a stat for unit most under fire. Never got that before on PC. 100% hit rate on my overwatch, no enemies shot at me through the entire mission. Didn't even know that could be a thing.