At any rate, guys, thank you for understanding my position here and agreeing to take the high road.
I realize things may seem innocent, but it"s important to keep the law in consideration at all times.
Lowk said:
Can we get a clear definition of sexual stuff?
If one would to request FOHSS written across a chesticle, where would that classify?
The law doesn"t draw a very fine distinction between asking a minor to lift up her shirt and asking a minor to show you her breasts. As far as a judge would be concerned, if you coerced a minor into performing a sexually suggestive position or act, you"re a sex criminal. Nudity need not take place in order to constitute sexual violation of a minor. Especially a child of 14 or younger, which is in its own category and carries an even stiffer penalty.
It also doesn"t matter if she"s willing or not. By law, she is not legally capable of consenting to sex or sexual exploitation in any way, shape, or form. It doesn"t matter if she walks up to you and takes off her clothes without any prompting; if you act on her advances, you"re guilty just the same.
Now, the reasons I have to keep this stuff off the boards are twofold:
1) It"s sick, and it"s illegal.
2) Since I have the power to take down offending images, if I do not act on that power, I and/or the site"s owners can be convicted for accessory.
I am not about to get convicted of accessory to disgusting stuff that I could otherwise have prevented, just for the sake of keeping some people happy. When it comes to your happiness and my staying out of jail, I"ll take my staying out of jail 10 times out of 10.
At any rate, hopefully this matter is concluded. Thanks again for your understanding here. Bottom line: don"t say or do anything to a 14-year-old girl that you would hesitate to tell a judge and jury you said or did to a 14-year-old girl. And keep such activities off of the board.