Ok, I"m opening this thread back up, but I want to lay down a few ground rules that I was hoping would be common sense to you guys by now:
1) If a girl claims to be under the age of 18, do not post nude or sexually compromising/alluring pictures of her on these boards.
2) If a girl claims to be 18 or over, but looks or acts younger, assume she"s under 18 and do not post nude/sexual pictures on these boards. (Or, if she doesn"t say one way or the other, but looks/acts under 18, assume she"s under 18)
3) If a girl seems safe, looks safe, acts safe, or shows valid ID officially proving she"s safe, go ahead and do what you will.
I"m hoping the threshold between 2 and 3 should be relatively clear to you guys. But if you come across a marginal case, and you"re really not sure if a girl is a minor or not, err on the side of conservatism. If you"ve got even the slightest bit of doubt, listen to your doubt, and don"t post her here.
Frankly, I"ve got people messaging me on a daily basis asking me to delete this thread outright. But I"m really trying to have patience here and let you guys have your fun. It"s not my place to stop you from having fun. But it is my place to stop you from breaking the law on these boards. I"m sorry if that makes me seem like a stick in the mud, but I am legally and morally obligated to act against child pornography/corruption when and if I suspect it.
I"m not going to start banning people left and right for making honest mistakes. In all likelihood, if you post someone you think is safe but I think is unsafe, the worst that"ll happen is I"ll just take it down. But if I think you should know better, or if you"re a repeat offender, I can"t promise the same leniency. Certain people have been on this thread long enough, or have been warned enough times, that they should know by now what not to post.
Thanks for understanding. It is my sincerest hope that we don"t have to have this discussion again. I"m as sick of preaching about this topic as you are of hearing me preach.