Merlot, Champange, Versecals, Heavypetting.
You all know who she is. The 50year old painted up like a teenager. Has big ol" fish eyes and what appears to be an extreme use of lipliner which she pouts non stop.
The reason for so many name changes? She or should i say he, tends to tease the camera with her oversized pants and shirt lifting. I have to give her points for having a decently worked stomach and legs for her age but isn"t it just a mere struggle to hold onto her youth. I can imagine her running on a treadmill at the gym, "I must look good for Yahoo".
Along with the pant flashing she tends to make out with her dog, letting it lick her all over the lips and well she does the same back. Her sexuality is continuously questioned as there always seems to be an old bulge hiding within the folds of her pants.
Minus the fake breasts, she looks just one of those nasty Milf"s.
The cause for this post? Well aside from her always bombarding me with inults whenever i join her channel, why? I have no idea. It"s just nasty to look at. She has been banned several times and Yahoo Live fails at keeping people out. She needs an IP ban or something better lulz. But what i ask of you is, flag her ^_____^ (Using the "harm to minors" usually works well).
I do realise i can"t force anyone to do this and many of you will probably disagree with me or ask me what my place is to say the above but heck, everyone has an opinion right? If you feel the same as i do, you"ll know what to do :]