Yahoo live epic fun


The Big Mod
Ravvenn said:
Him and274others?

Let me get this straight, you want to stroll up in here and make avery bad jokeand scare the shit out of people because someone posted a .zip of your naughty bits? May 18th, 2008 you were doing a strip tease with over 200 viewers, that image is provided in your zip file.

Justshow them your titsand save the jokes for the funny people.
hahahahaha "ownage" doesn"t even come close to describing what happened here.


Mini_Miik said:
I"m not trolling

It"s a joke between the regs of Yahoo live and posters in this topic

It"s funny how those i never see on Live or ever post in this thread before are the ones having a hissy fit

Chillax fuckers.

i didn"t mean it quite the way trolling quite in the way you took it...
and you should recognize my name by now being that its the same on ylive, so i did indeed get the joke...


I"ll say it again:

This is why we can"t have nice things.

I just hope Aych doesn"t come in here claiming to be a 12 year old boy with a genetic disorder that makes him age fast. I"ve seen his taint so much it"s burned into my memory like Sauron"s Eye.


Yutnopash said:
I"ll say it again:

This is why we can"t have nice things.

I just hope Aych doesn"t come in here claiming to be a 12 year old boy with a genetic disorder that makes him age fast. I"ve seen his taint so much it"s burned into my memory like Sauron"s Eye.
Speaking of which... Is there someone you can get to trim your taint hair? Cause he needs the number


The Big Mod
fucking gross btw.

you look like a 13 year old boy FFS. no wonder everyone was so quick to believe your bullshit CP claim. go back to 4chan, invest in some makeup and try us again when you grow some hair on that clam of yours.


caaalm your self iago!

no need for anyone to get their feathers ruffled

edit: and no need to make fun of someones body...unless its mine... /cry/ no one loves me!!! they called me majin bo...oh no...I let it known who i am...


Aw there goes keg trying to be an e-thug. Seriously though, is it a conscious decision to fail with practically every post or has it become an automatic kind of thing.


Kegkilla is a angry fucker isnt he. I guess thats why someone gets n71 internets! lol

She does look hell of young no doubt. I need to see some id"s!


The Big Mod
Lowk said:
Kegkilla, it wont allow me to give you more - internets, this must be fixed
i"m guessing you along with the rest of the brigade of /b/ hentai-jerking, camwhore worshipping faggots already used your -internets on me, so i think i"m pretty safe with that post.



Keg thinks posting my picture that pretty much most of the world has seen before is going to upset me. It"s old news, i got over that alongtime ago. As for insulting me on my looks? Thats like childsplay, at least have some decent insults backed up, you seem to foregt that these pics have been posted before, i"ve had many comments and insults thrown at me for them so you think telling me to buy make up is gonna make me baaaaw?

People who act tough makes me laff on the internets because 99.9% it"s some little weed hiding behind their PC screen.

If anyone"s sending this to the Shaw, it"s Keg :]

Toodles pip!


Golden Squire
kegkilla said:
fucking gross btw.

you look like a 13 year old boy FFS. no wonder everyone was so quick to believe your bullshit CP claim. go back to 4chan, invest in some makeup and try us again when you grow some hair on that clam of yours.


I think she"s pretty.

But on the internet, everyone fucks supermodels, and is hung like Peter North, right?


The Big Mod
Mini_Miik said:
Keg thinks posting my picture that pretty much most of the world has seen before is going to upset me.
no i posted your picture so people would have a point of reference within my comments as to how fucking ugly you are.


i"ve had many comments and insults thrown at me for them so you think telling me to buy make up is gonna make me baaaaw?
you posting pics like these and cam whoreing yourself daily proves that you are just about as desperate for attention as you can get which means your self esteem is just about rock bottom so no i don"t think theres anything i can do to make you feel worse about yourself, i"m just doing it for the lulz. LOL I SAID LULZ.

People who act tough makes me laff on the internets because 99.9% it"s some little weed hiding behind their PC screen.
bitch i"m fucking diesel. right now i"m curling 55 pounders while drinking malt liquor, watching the phils and shitting all over your wack ass. you think i"m a pip? send one of your mates over my way and i"ll send his goofy bucktoothed ass running back to the queen with his tail between his legs just like you pussy ass lobsterbacks did back in 1783.

keg GTFO don"t ruin this thread again for us.
fuck that shit. theres pretty much ONE FUCKING RULE on this board and shes well aware of it yet still tries some dumb shit like that. shes lucky Mille let her 4chan camwhore ass in here in the first place, doesn"t do shit other than gives the rest of these new blood 4chan lowlifes something to wack it to.

not only that, but after she is kindly put in her place she continues with her bullshit "i"m queen of the camwhores, i do what i want, fuck off" attitude instead of apologizing or better yet just shutting the fuck up.

oh and btw i had nothing to do with the shawing or deleting of this thread, if thats what you"re trying to imply.

I think she"s pretty.
well then you must love to fuck little boys, faggot.


anyone who has spent any amount of time on cam on ylive, has had every flaw they have pointed out so many times, and so well, that anything you bring to the table here keg, that its going to be easily brushed off.


haha at Keg. Flexing on the internets. Why, oh why do they let him post here and he has the nerve to talk about Mini. I am not a big fan of hers myself, but wow. lol


folks obviously love keg so much (-74) I"m glad he thinks he is spokesman.

keg gtfo you will shaw this by yourself with this nonsense.