I caught it because there's nothing to do and this place tells me what to watch and it was a lot of fun. I would have liked more music with longer cuts of each but I like musicals in general.
Kate McKinnon is so fucking bad she almost tanks the whole goddamn thing. I'm not even sure I can explain it. Ever see an old movie and there's this side character that doesn't make any sense and doesn't fit to the point it's fucking baffling? Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's springs to mind but it isn't quite right. It's just like, the fuck is this all of a sudden? You're watching something in black and white and check the IMDB you're so fucking confused and it's a comedian you've never heard of from fifty years ago doing awful shtick and time has done it no favors. It's like that but it's her and it's the present day.
Just. Awful.
But everything else was great. Lots of fun characters and the lead has a great voice and I liked seeing
even if he was a prick in real life. I did feel out of touch having no fucking clue who Ed Sheeran was but that's likely an experience had by many a geezer going to see a movie with Beatles songs in it. Oh, he's one of the best selling artists of all time with top selling albums in recent years. The shit you lose track of.