I was in the waiting room for a doctor appointment today. As I'm sitting there, a guy comes in, he talks to the reception staff a little and brings in a bundle of small newspaper type things ( he's like the local guy who distributes these things )
He sees me and hands me one, it's a monthly free newspaper thing for over 50's. It was called something like'Over Fifties'the front cover even had an ad for a denture clinic.
Good thing was that the lady sitting next to me saw this and said out loud "I think he's a bit young for that"
I actually still gave it a read through, as I don't want to touch any of the magazines etc there, as you've got no idea who handled it last and what germs is on it. I knew this was clean.
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Side point: There was a puzzle page. And there was a quiz on capital cities for various countries. I got them all except one - Honduras
The capital city of Honduras is: Tegucigalpa
Say what now??
I had to look that up again as I couldn't remember the exact spelling .