Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Game. Set. Match. Queue 'nuh uh' response from Araysar.
lol, so as long as your torture methods are slightly less worse than decapitating someone (which isnt torture to begin with) then technically you are still better than the terrorists?


btw, tell me, how do you exactly extract information from someone when you are torturing them by decapitation?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Again, you haven't backed up your original statement, that the CIA is magnitudes worse than terrorists that crash planes into buildings killing thousands of people, and terrorists who decapitate people with machetes. Your statement that "we" should hold ourselves to a higher standard may or may not be a valid point, but it is completely irrelevant to your original statement. So, please explain how the CIA is magnitudes worse. Do you want to take back your absolutely idiotic assertion, or do you want to keep trying to change the subject, etc, in a hope to somehow find a way to explain away your moronic statement? It's ok to admit that you are wrong. You're human after all.
I backed it up and explained it several times already. You just didn't like it. It's fine to admit that. You're human after all.

Aychamo BanBan

I backed it up and explained it several times already. You just didn't like it. It's fine to admit that. You're human after all.
Sigh, you're an idiot. I'm not wasting any more time with you. You made aretardedcomment, stating that the CIA is magnitudes worse than terrorists, and you have not backed it up in any way, and when called out on your stupidity, you insult instead of just admitting you wrote something ridiculous. Obviously you can't defend your idea that the CIA is magnitudes (look that word up while your at it) worse than people who crash planes into buildings killing thousands of innocent people and who decapitate people with machetes. I guess this is you being owned in 1 post? (God that felt douchey to write!)


Back to the movie - boy has this movie found a lot of media attention. For a whole host of reasons.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
lol, so as long as your torture methods are slightly less worse than decapitating someone (which isnt torture to begin with) then technically you are still better than the terrorists?


btw, tell me, how do you exactly extract information from someone when you are torturing them by decapitation?
Keep deflecting!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Keep deflecting!
what deflection? youi guys have no clue what you are arguing. you compare torture to murder and act like its the same thing. I ask you for more information and clarification and get a tyen-esque "keep deflecting!!1111 lolol"

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Sigh, you're an idiot. I'm not wasting any more time with you. You made aretardedcomment, stating that the CIA is magnitudes worse than terrorists, and you have not backed it up in any way, and when called out on your stupidity, you insult instead of just admitting you wrote something ridiculous. Obviously you can't defend your idea that the CIA is magnitudes (look that word up while your at it) worse than people who crash planes into buildings killing thousands of innocent people and who decapitate people with machetes. I guess this is you being owned in 1 post? (God that felt douchey to write!)


Back to the movie - boy has this movie found a lot of media attention. I can't wait to start hearing the morning liberal news anchor telling me how many round "clips" they had in their guns while killing Bin Laden.
I explained it several times already. Are you not reading my posts? I dont know how I can make the notion of comparing yourself to terrorists and disregarding your own higher principles any easier.

Here I will try an analogy. When a dog eats another dog's shit its funny, cause hey its a dog and who gives a shit (no pun intended). When you eat a dog's shit, its disgusting and reprehensible. Why? Because you're held to a higher standard. The act committed is just as important as who is committing it. If you're too stupid to understand this, I don't know what to tell you.


Silver Squire
The only scene in the movie I did not get (I'm a low brow curmudgeon who moonlights as a troglodyte) was the end where the protagonist is crying in the back of the transport. Why is she crying? Because her friend died? Because she indirectly killed women? Because she successfully turned at windmills? Because she's a female? Because she knows she's a 6/10 at best (knees too sharp)?

Aychamo BanBan

what deflection? youi guys have no clue what you are arguing. you compare torture to murder and act like its the same thing. I ask you for more information and clarification and get a tyen-esque "keep deflecting!!1111 lolol"
I sincerely hope that you haven't fooled yourself into believing that you are some sort of intellectual. Your posts read as ridiculously childish, and any time anyone asks you to back up your statements you answer with a ridiculous, obviously loaded question. And instead of answering directly, you attempt to redirect to some other point that the poster isn't necessarily contending, so that you can defeat that point and then declare "victory" (sorry, "own"). Oh hey, the very definition of a straw man argument. We've carried on for a full page with you still not having in any way given us a sufficiently detailed and comprehensive answer to why the CIA is magnitudes worse than terrorists.


privileged excrementlord
I explained it several times already. Are you not reading my posts? I dont know how I can make the notion of comparing yourself to terrorists and disregarding your own higher principles any easier.

Here I will try an analogy. When a dog eats another dog's shit its funny, cause hey its a dog and who gives a shit (no pun intended). When you eat a dog's shit, its disgusting and reprehensible. Why? Because you're held to a higher standard. The act committed is just as important as who is committing it. If you're too stupid to understand this, I don't know what to tell you.
Did you just compare the murder of innocent people by a terrorist to a dog eating shit... and call it funny? Get your head checked, hippie.


El Presidente
You didn't couch your statement in relative terms at first so even if that's all true that's not what you said. Also, do you actually know what an order of magnitude is?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Did you just compare the murder of innocent people by a terrorist to a dog eating shit... and call it funny? Get your head checked, hippie.
The faux outrage too obvious, the "hippy" part just gave it away

You didn't couch your statement in relative terms at first so even if that's all true that's not what you said. Also, do you actually know what an order of magnitude is?
Oh, I am sorry I didn't fully qualify and reference my throwaway comment about a Hollywood movie right from the get go.

Anyways, this movie sucks. The raid is less exciting than watching Harry and Marv raid Kevin's house in Home Alone, the bulk of the movie is plodding and unwieldy, the torture scenes are meant to be shocking but largely just stir disgust and contempt for the CIA.

Aychamo BanBan

The faux outrage too obvious, the "hippy" part just gave it away

Oh, I am sorry I didn't fully qualify and reference my throwaway comment about a Hollywood movie right from the get go.

Anyways, this movie sucks. The raid is less exciting than watching Harry and Marv raid Kevin's house in Home Alone, the bulk of the movie is plodding and unwieldy, the torture scenes are meant to be shocking but largely just stir disgust and contempt for the CIA.
I suppose this is your way of saying "Damn, my statement was absolutely idiotic." Because now you're trying to backtrack away from it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
I suppose this is your way of saying "Damn, my statement was absolutely idiotic."
Nope, I clearly explained how accurate, nuanced, and awesome my statement was.

I will even repeat it again, the CIA is several magnitudes worse than the "terrorists" they torture.

In the mean time, maybe you can tell us more about how water boarding is a "pussy torture technique". How did you come up with that one?

Aychamo BanBan

Nope, I clearly explained how accurate, nuanced, and awesome my statement was.

I will even repeat it again, the CIA is several magnitudes worse than the "terrorists" they torture.

In the mean time, maybe you can tell us more about how water boarding is a "pussy torture technique". How did you come up with that one?
Are we banning trolls? Or is it preferred to just ignore them?


Trakanon Raider
Nope, I clearly explained how accurate, nuanced, and awesome my statement was.

I will even repeat it again, the CIA is several magnitudes worse than the "terrorists" they torture.

In the mean time, maybe you can tell us more about how water boarding is a "pussy torture technique". How did you come up with that one?
i water boarded your mom last night. she orgasmed...

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
really wanted to like this movie but i couldn't get past the main actress being a cunt with an over inflated sense of self worth. Maybe its because i know people that act the same way as her in far less important government positions.

if you could ignore her scenes (which were 75% of the movie) it would have been pretty good.

edit-- after some thought i think the Seal team 6 movie on discovery channel was more accurate than this..bummer


Molten Core Raider
Was a pretty good movie. What made it even more awesome was an older black theater goer screaming GET SOME OSAMA at the end of the movie. He also proceeded to tell every theater employee he saw on the way out that this was some heavy ass shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Saw the movie last night and can certainly understand the criticisms. It is not a great movie, but merely just a good one.

I thought for a story that took an event that everyone knows about, and tried to introduce you to the people that made it happen, the character development was largely lacking. They portrayed Maya as simply an cunt with aspergers. After this and Hurt Locker, I think Kathryn Bigelow can make a great movie, but I am not convinced she can tell a great story. Her characters have no soul or charisma what so ever.

All the controversy about torture was overblown too. It was a reality, it happened, and then things changed. The whole thing was a documentary, showing the events of what lead to killing OBL. It wasn't social commentary justifying anything.

This movie is a 7 out of 10... maybe a 6. Skip it and watch a documentary. It will be shorter and more accurate.