Isnt Zika spread through sexual contact as well, not just skeeters? If so, this might mean a nation wide pandemic. Too many people fucking.
cant really blame them, you get a bunch of buff men and women all in their own little community for 3 weeks. some fucking is going to go down.
Now if only Zika would hit Louisiana and Mississippi. Quick and easy population control in those states where people just cannot keep it wrapped and live off the government teet
Have any NON mestizos / indios / 4'11 Incas covered in drywall dust / Hispanics caught this shit yet? I'm putting all my eggs in the "this is a genetically targeted bio weapon that got loose" basket.
Can we.... Can we build a wall around Florida?
its spreading.2 Infants Born In California With Zika-Related Microcephaly
Thanks Florida! Maybe not...but this may be a good reason to get rid of Florida and Cali.
When are we going to just go ahead and eradicate mosquitoes from the planet already? Seriously... maybe it's because I'm 27 and likely to have a child or two in the next decade but I'd really rather they HAVE a NORMAL HEAD and get around to dealing with this shit.