Are there any options as far as getting fuse mats (gods/crystals)? I've got my merit trade exhausted of all of them, i bought all the metal keys from there as well. Got plenty of zel and have farmed up 10 Mech Gods and ready to get Avani, Rahgan to 7 for my arena team as well as Mikael (situational raid/trial single target burn team mit), Korzan (thinking my new LS unless i 100% need to use Laberd to live) and Avant (not sure i have a spot for him at the moment as Korzan seems to just be a better overall fit but strictly on raw damage Avant probably brings abit more to the table so i'm sure i may use).
Got Charla fully decked out with UBB/2 spheres but still dont have room for her, getting close at lvl 140 to afford a 4th 7 star.Also got Zenia her obs shard and maxxed out, still playing with her but she is in my arena team with Hadaron lead at the moment and they are destoying teams that are 75-100 levels ahead of me without even a chance of loss so i am liking them.
Just need some damn fusion exp mats