Recent content by phen_sl

  1. P

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Anyone know who the guys in the beginning was? He knew Leia before she was a general and obviously knows about Kylo's history.
  2. P

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    If he falls, not only will he die, but he will be ripping off his balls before he plummets to his death.
  3. P

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    Double blade as a gimmick? Da fuck? Get the fuck out of here.
  4. P

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    I don' see what the big deal is about the lightsaber. Obviously it's different, I'm sure there will be some explanation as to why it looks the way it does.
  5. P

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    Cast announcements.. Star Wars: Episode VII Cast Announced |
  6. P

    Rock climbing: Bouldering,Sport,Trad, Free solo, Deep water

    Not going to the rendezvous, but I had a chance to climb at Red Rocks for a day this winter and it was awesome. I've been fortunate enough to climb all over the country and my 1 day at red rocks left me feeling like it was one of the better bouldering areas in the country. The rock is so dreamy...
  7. P

    All things Brandon Sanderson

  8. P

    Patrick Rothfuss Kingkiller Chronicles

    I forget where I read it, but iirc, Rothfuss said the first 3 books were going to be a trilogy leading up to present day and there would be another trilogy from present day to the future.
  9. P

    All things Brandon Sanderson

    All I can say is give it a chance. The book REALLY picks up in the second half.
  10. P

    Yesterday was my dog's 4th birthday.

    True! Pitbull type dogs are actually bred to be submissive to humans! Do you think some random ghetto person wants to get their hand chewed on breaking up a dogfight? Hell no! Here's some good info about pitbulls. And finally, a picture...
  11. P

    Kanye West - Yeezus

    I've really liked Kanye's stuff in the past. I think late registeration and college dropout are amazing cd's and MBDTF was right up there as one of my favorite albums, but so far this album isn't doing shit for me. On my first listen through right now, and there's just not one song that excites me.
  12. P

    Man of Steel

    I think this review from Wired ( offers the best criticism of the film. Personally, I really liked the movie and give it an 8.5/10, but there's a lot of things mentioned in the Wired article that I agree with. In particular, I think the...
  13. P

    Man of Steel

    Besides the obligatory Superman flying around 3D effects, there wasn't much to note.
  14. P

    Man of Steel

  15. P

    Rock climbing: Bouldering,Sport,Trad, Free solo, Deep water

    The team that won that comp (rocktown) is owned by my buddy. We started climbing together in NC, then he met his German fiancee when she was working in town. The gym is a bad ass bouldering gym (