Recent content by regret_sl

  1. R

    2013 NFL Offseason and Draft

    edit: wrong thread popped up, whoa, i'm retarded
  2. R

    Dark Souls 2

    Indeed, that's what I told him. He said he shot a dozen or so and it wasn't doing dick. I'll have to test it out myself later.
  3. R

    Dark Souls 2

    They may have nerfed poison arrows. I told a friend of mine about the archer cheese and he said his poison arrows weren't doing any damage over time.
  4. R

    Dark Souls 2

    I got lucky with Capra in that I inadvertently figured out how to cheese him by falling off the archway and mashing the shit out of my controller while squealing like a girl. Fuck those archers on NG+, though. Most things in Dark Souls can be analyzed by staying back and just patiently...
  5. R

    Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition

    Cool, will have to check it out later. There's going to be an insane amount of RPGs released next year. I hope this one isn't ignored because of all the bigger releases.
  6. R

    DayZ, Arma2, Arma3

    I always assumed that mouse acceleration was an artifact from sloppy console porting so it is a little baffling in this case. Maybe it's something built into the engine that they have to remove? Which still doesn't explain why such a ridiculously horrible version of acceleration exists by...
  7. R

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    I will almost always buy the meaty story-based DLC for the Bioware and Bethesda RPGs I play because I invest so much time into those games I can't abide "missing" anything. I do see all kinds of terrible shit released (horse armor's modern equivalent) that I'd never touch but that's not very...
  8. R

    Class Action against EA Executives due to share dumping

    And as fun as it would be to see all the major publishers burn, if it's just EA then I don't think we'll have made any progress. As if Activision needs to have its position bolstered.
  9. R

    Star Wars: Attack Squadrons

    I think I played Rebel Assault 1 or 2 with a joystick and it kept me somewhat entertained as a kid who didn't know any better. Plus you're right, games back then had a much lower bar to hurdle and as someone whose parents bought a Mac it's not like a had a lot of choice in what I played...
  10. R

    Star Wars: Attack Squadrons

    If your budget is so small that you're going to put your devs Skype call in as the voice acting you might want to rethink releasing a trailer to the public.
  11. R

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Goddamnit Sean, I ALMOST CAVED but I know that the usual asian video game aesthetic turns me off and I'll just end up annoyed as fuck with the system. I also realize that this locks me out of a lot of cool RPGs but there's not much I can do about it. I haven't been able to get into a JRPG (aside...
  12. R

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Their strategy is pretty clearly to stay even in NA and win every other region they won last generation, which necessitates not delaying their releases in those friendly regions to the same degree they can get away with in Japan.
  13. R

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    I don't think Sony has released hard numbers to NPD for quite some time. I think it had something to do with Vita or PS3 numbers (though they didn't admit it) and I imagine it'd look silly if they started doing it now simply because they're selling a ton of PS4s. Anyway, while the...
  14. R

    Gran Turismo 6.

    It's not. If a game I've paid for is prompting me to buy more shit while I amplaying the game, it's irritating as fuck. Like that retarded BUY DLC LOL NPC in the camp in Dragon Age: Origins. If the only time I encounter your microtransactions is when I am poking around in your storelooking to...
  15. R

    Wasteland 2

    Spiritual successor to... oh, you mean it is the sequel to Wasteland 1, which served as inspiration to the Fallout series. I hate to be that guy but damn. Really appreciate the screenies, tho. Thanks man.