Recent content by SalaciousTunare_foh

  1. S

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Ring = 1 month male wages. That is what I have always heard. A boat is vastly more useful, women are gold digging garbage I swear. Only an idiot, ie woman, would refuse to marry a male who had enough cash set aside for a house, ring, AND BOAT, pre-marriage. What a dumb whore, crisis averted for...
  2. S

    Long full disclosure

    I would never disrespect my cock like Galiem did. Did you even see the pics of that hambeast on his links? I"m still woozy from her coke bottle glasses.
  3. S

    Long full disclosure

    Were you born with a vagina?
  4. S

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I worked the science, and I think I found out where you went wrong when you evaluated her pics.
  5. S

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    The only reason you would think MMA is gay porn for closet homos is because you yourself are insecure with your own sexuality. The rest of us know it"s only gay if the balls touch.
  6. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    More caveman logic, drinking at the age of 21 isn"t illegal, driving of age isn"t illegal, operating a motor vehicle while over the legal blood alcohol limit is illegal. Another fallacy in your logic. These events are not mutually exclusive. You can drink at a bar then walk home. You can drink...
  7. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    You know you contributed to a pattern of her behavior that resulted in teenage pregnancy and welfare, two things that the laws are there to help prevent. Nevermind that in your infinite brilliance you broke not one but two laws, statutory rape and soliciting a prostitute.
  8. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    Except the exact case you"re citing, resulted in the child in question being pregnant and on welfare by 17.
  9. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    It is really hard to take you seriously when you spell intelligent "intellent" but here goes: BECAUSE YOU DON"T LIVE IN GERMANY, MEDIEVAL BRITAIN, INDONESIA OR THE PALEOLITHIC ERA YOU DENSE FUCK.
  10. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    No it isn"t, you are living proof of that. Let us assume you have a 144 IQ. You have 144 IQ but can"t grasp simple concepts like spelling, grammar, punctuation, forum quoting OR EVEN FUCKING USING GENERIC GRAMMATICAL QUOTES. Now normally I wouldn"t jump on someone for not being able to...
  11. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    WOW... now you pay... to eat hooker pussy? Jesus Fucking Christ you are one filthy abomination.
  12. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    Really you dumb fuck? Is that why she ended up pregnant and on welfare by 17, the exact fucking things the laws are there to prevent? But we can rule out teenage pregnancy right? Sam, you are completely and utterly 100% retarded, period. The more you post, the more your logic is proven...
  13. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    Children beware of this man.
  14. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    I love how in this very thread, you bragged about how old you are, and how much knowledge you"ve accumulated in order to make fun of a guy for being only 25 (who was in his thirties) and not being that educated because he had only 10 years of life experience. You cited 25 as being naive when...
  15. S

    Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

    They are responsible enough to know right from wrong on matters of murder. They are not responsible enough to subject themselves to diseases and pregnancy during a period of hormonal development when their judgment is not that of a well rounded adult. By your caveman logic it should be legal...