Deathwalker Plans 26 Boxing WoW

If that guy lead role in "twilight", 22 years old, offered 15 year old females $100 to have sex with him there would be a line of 15 year old females MILES long to take him up on that offer; they would fighting each other to get to him.

You would say that these females, are all crime victims and to stupid to know what they are doing even though there would be 1000"s or 100,000 of them lined up to accept the offer.

Do you people understand how stupid you sound.


Sam DeathWalker said:
If that guy lead role in "twilight", 22 years old, offered 15 year old females $100 to have sex with him there would be a line of 15 year old females MILES long to take him up on that offer; they would fighting each other to get to him.

You would say that these females, are all crime victims and to stupid to know what they are doing even though there would be 1000"s or 100,000 of them lined up to accept the offer.

Do you people understand how stupid you sound.
Well, I recently saw on television that whenever he often finds himself running away from the rabid 15 year old girls.

He ran away, Sam. You paid the girl.
Doesn"t matter what someone under 18 wants, they simply have not developed enough reasoning to make an informed enough decision

Thats not correct; a 15 year old can beat you in WoW because they have sufficient information to make good decisions.

What knowledge to they get at 18 they don"t have at 15?

So how did they make informed decisions prior to 300 years ago? Or the other 99.99999 percent of human history when there was no law against sex with a 15 year old.

Exactly how do you figure you are so much smarter then a 15 year old that you have a right to pass a law that lets you use a gun to force my 15 year old friend to do what you want her to do with her body because she is stupid, yet you don"t think that someone as smart as me (IQ 144) has a right to pass a law that lets me use a gun to force you to do what I want you to do your body because compared to me you are stupid?


That"s reality, Sam. You can"t equate a child to an adult. It makes no sense. You obviously do not have any children that you raise. You"re very unfamiliar with them if you believe a 15 year old girl has a firm grasp on reality.
Sam DeathWalker said:
Now thatpregnancy preventionand STD (by the way STD wasn"t a real big concern in 1984 prior to Aids) have been given up as an argument your argument reduces to
Really you dumb fuck?

Is that why she ended up pregnant and on welfare by 17, the exact fucking things the laws are there to prevent? But we can rule out teenage pregnancy right?

Sam, you are completely and utterly 100% retarded, period.

The more you post, the more your logic is proven to be flawed.
That"s reality, Sam. You can"t equate a child to an adult. It makes no sense. You obviously do not have any children that you raise. You"re very unfamiliar with them if you believe a 15 year old girl has a firm grasp on reality.

Some may not but not all; and perhaps not the majority. To say all adults have a firm grasp on reality is also stupid.

Most crimes are commited by those over 18 i.e. adults and fewer crimes are commited by minors; what does taht lead you to conclude about age indicating a grip on reality.

Isnt intelligence a better indication of reasoning power then age?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sam DeathWalker said:
If that guy lead role in "twilight", 22 years old, offered 15 year old females $100 to have sex with him there would be a line of 15 year old females MILES long to take him up on that offer; they would fighting each other to get to him.
Does that make it right? No. He"d be as culpable as you, were he to go through with it, and I wouldn"t flinch at him getting hammered in court.

As an Adult, the onus of responsibility is on him. He"ll also be the one to be punished in the event he is caught.

Sam DeathWalker said:
You would say that these females, are all crime victims and to stupid to know what they are doing even though there would be 1000"s or 100,000 of them lined up to accept the offer
They aren"t stupid, per se, though that is a quick and easy label to give them (like how it"s quick and easy to label you stupid, rather than something else more accurate and disturbing). Intelligence-wise, they could be child prodigies, but that"s not the point. As per usual, you are tap-dancing around my earlier point. They would be victims, victims of Adult men who would be taking advantage of naive, hormonally and emotionally unbalanced teens.

Oh, they"d know what they were doing, in a "OMG SO-AND-So IS IN LOVE WITH ME! WE"RE GOING TO GET MARRIED!!" way. But that is the point. Minors, especially teenage girls (parents of teen girls feel free to chime in), aren"t guaranteed to see things logically or clearly. Hence the protection as minors. They"ll jump to unrealistic conclusions, become emotionally involved at the drop of a hat (OMG, that cute guy looked at me! I"m in love!), and generally frighten every responsible adult involved.

The fact that you can"t seem to grasp this very basic thing, again, reinforces how either your IQ isn"t 144, or if it is, it is no indication that you aren"t a buffoon.
Is that why she ended up pregnant and on welfare by 17, the exact fucking things the laws are there to prevent? But we can rule out teenage pregnancy right?

Ya because she didnt have sex with me, she had sex with some guy who didnt use a rubber. Thats why stupid people like that guy and you shouldnt be allowed to reproduce. Duh.

I didn"t make anyone pregant if the law is to prevent pregnacies why was I prosecuted?


Sam DeathWalker said:
Do you think he would have ran if it was legal?
It"s not legal, Sam. It"s not legal for a good reason. For someone as intelligent as you, and is as boisterous in defending your argument that a 15 year old is the same as an adult, you have failed to do any research. Maybe you are simply incapable of making sense of Science Direct?

Where were your child psychology experts in the court room arguing that 15 year olds are the same as adults? You could not find any, or didn"t even bother to look, I"m sure. Which is why you were placed in jail.


You guys are trying to explain the rationality behind laws to a person who is quite obviously a few cans short of a six pack. He is never going to comprehend what you are expressing to him in any meaningful manner as he is clearly incapable of any rational concepts that doesn"t absolve himself of any wrongdoing.


Sam DeathWalker said:
Isnt intelligence a better indication of reasoning power then age?
You know very well that intelligence and wisdom have difference effects.

Most crimes are done by 18+ because there are more 18+ as well as parents taking care of most of the resources needed to survive when you are below 18.
They would be victims, victims of Adult men who would be taking advantage of naive, hormonally and emotionally unbalanced teens.

And yet the 14 year old female who murdered her mother is going to go to prison for life .... and some 13 year olds have been sentence to prison for life.

If I had sex when I was 15 with a hot 30 year old MILTF and was PAID for it how would that be me getting "taken advantage of" exactly.


Sam DeathWalker said:
If I had sex when I was 15 with a hot 30 year old MILTF and was PAID for it how would that be me getting "taken advantage of" exactly.
It most definitely would be you being taken advantage of. Those women normally have very deep seeded psychological problems. The hottest one, one of the blondes, when talking to her 15 year old "boyfriend", would even speak in the voice of a 16 year old. You are very unfamiliar with children, Sam.
You know very well that intelligence and wisdom have difference effects.

Wisdom would be time to accumulate more facts and intelligence would be the ability to use those facts in an organized fashion.

The problem is there are very few facts a minor needs to know about sex.

1. Unproteced intercourse leads to pregnancy
2. Pregnacy is very bad as childern cost a lot of money and need a lot of time to raise. You will be unable to enjoy you life and do the things you want once you become pregnant
3. Men will say or do anything to have sex with you.
4. The most effective methods of birth control are:....

So what else does a minor need to know? thats the Wisdom part; takes about 1-2 hours of reading.