WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream

o 1.12.1 Vanilla Wow | Full Blizzlike Realm

o 1x Experience Rates | 1x Profession Rates | 1x Drop Rates

o Fully Scripted Dungeons and Raids | Battlegrounds | World PvP | Pathfinding

o Gradual content release | No gear rewards

o Opened August 25

Don't see a thread for this, if there is one please delete and redirect my ass. Just wondering if anyone else is on this box? I got a 21 Druid and so far only ran into 2 broken quests. Seen a little PvP but population looks good. I am Horde ofc and once I get a few more levels, I'll gladly run any of you pals through some instances.

This is Samwise btw, I fucked up my registration e-mail so I had to make a new account

Here is my first gank. Some 24 Alliance scrub Rogue thought it would be a good idea to fish in Ratchet.

Here is what happens to cheaters once caught.



Like a dumbass I didn't put any info for the server thinking people would just google it but alas I fixed it. Not saying its perfect but Vanilla WoW had some of the best world pvp I ever experienced. Meh guess WoW Vanilla isnt everyones cup of tea :p


Elisha Dushku
Like a dumbass I didn't put any info for the server thinking people would just google it but alas I fixed it. Not saying its perfect but Vanilla WoW had some of the best world pvp I ever experienced. Meh guess WoW Vanilla isnt everyones cup of tea :p
Does it have original AV?
BGs arent even out yet so I don't know for sure
It is supposed to be following the classic timeline. For instance, I think only MC is out and not AQ40 and w/e else is Vanilla Raiding.



Silver Squire
I played some time on Rebirth and its refreshing to go back and play Vanilla. Its harder than people remember especially compared to the recent EZ mode ridiculousness of more recent games.
I played some time on Rebirth and its refreshing to go back and play Vanilla. Its harder than people remember especially compared to the recent EZ mode ridiculousness of more recent games.
no lie i got kinda of a wake up call. I leveled faster on red99 lol. Also i needed to enlist help to do my bear form quest cuz its impossible to solo at level 10 without some help.


Trakanon Raider
Rampage is an Alliance raiding guild comprised of some IB from P99, as well as other people we have gamed with through the years. We had our first MC trash clear this past saturday... Got about 30 lvl 60's now so in a week or two when the remainder finished leveling it will be on.

Hope some people decide to join us. Shoot me a whisper in game under my forum handle. Make sure it's me as a lot of our up and comings use me to PL themselves.
Hey szeth any idea on the what the pop looks like. I'm guessing at least 1k but that's only from random /whos I've done


<Bronze Donator>
I play on horde side, raiding guild, cleared MC. Waiting for some BGs and to kill allies. While leveling up to and eventually reaching 60 on this server (even though there are some broken quests) it was a far more rewarding experience upon arrival than any of the games i've played recently. (rift, gw2, others i can't remember because they suck) for whatever that is worth. Pop is pretty active, lots of euros also if you play at random times from the U.S., and good pop during prime time also.
I play on horde side, raiding guild, cleared MC. Waiting for some BGs and to kill allies. While leveling up to and eventually reaching 60 on this server (even though there are some broken quests) it was a far more rewarding experience upon arrival than any of the games i've played recently. (rift, gw2, others i can't remember because they suck) for whatever that is worth. Pop is pretty active, lots of euros also if you play at random times from the U.S., and good pop during prime time also.
Sweet a few of us from red99 are Rollin horde. In=game name is Traak


Looks like horde is doing pretty well for US times. Did alliance every pick up? When I stopped playing there were like 5 alliance US raid guilds with 10 people in them. lol


I've never played WoW so I'm going to assume I suck at it.. Someone please advise me which ez-mode class I should roll.


Vyemm Raider
I had fun on this server but ended up rage quiting due to broken warrior charge. If the Ground is not level you cancharge under the world and be forced to eat a spirit Rez. One day it was 3 in an hour. I really only wanted to play a warrior this time around but not with out charge!! Otherwise it's pretty fun, if you roll alliance check out those rampage guys they are fun to play with.