I hope this message everyone in good spirits.Its very hard having a record and trying to find employment, I was convicted in 2011 of felony firearm, felony assult which I served 2yrs incarcerated & probation behind.I am a 1st time offender.After relocating from MI to GA and getting there filling out over 100 applications and submitting my resume over 400 times and getting turned down time after time, I realized that I'll stop letting other people judge me and determine my future for me and how I will provide for my family. So I did some research on what was in demand and I came accross trade and professional statistics.the trade for welders are in the negative 15to 20% meaning for entry-level positions the pay starts out at $18 to $21 dollars I enrolled in a trades college for welding in January of this year, ill be graduating in January of 2015.I know its hard out here for everyone especially for those of us that have felony records, so I encourage you women and men.take hold of your life because somewhere we lost touch with it and made our mistakes but that doesn't define who we are today. Find out what you are comfortable with, something you can see your self doing for a long time and pursue it.Do it for you do it for your family, do it for those who looked down on you because you were more human than they were. Without mistakes there's no room to grow!