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Loved this episode. So far I have had a hard time trying to decide if I identify more with the captain, the farmer, or the kid. Great show. I wish they didn't feel the need to drop the F-Bomb all the time.
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I havent noticed the f bombs, but I guess I just dont notice it in comparison to the shows that are over the top with it like Deadwood or something. Fuck, other than in relation to sex, wasnt used like it is today. But in that same vein, there were words that were considered coarse back then that by today's standards might just sound silly or make no sense. I would like to think the writers are just using it in place of those words, rather than just being historically inaccurate.Loved this episode. So far I have had a hard time trying to decide if I identify more with the captain, the farmer, or the kid. Great show. I wish they didn't feel the need to drop the F-Bomb all the time.
While some of the dialogue is flat, Beth's character in Yellowstone has some awesome dialogue. I also think John Dutton has great moments with dialogue that reference his legacy and what is happening to it. Its not Shakespeare but then the setting does not easily lend itself to fantastic dialogue.Maybe that's why I couldn't get into Yellowstone. The setting was gorgeous, but the dialogue just left me bored. Although I do intend to try again at some point.
Yeah, I dont get the dialogue complaint. John Dutton has some great lines. The kind of lines where you go shit, I've been thinking that same thing but hadnt quite phrased it so perfectly.While some of the dialogue is flat, Beth's character in Yellowstone has some awesome dialogue. I also think John Dutton has great moments with dialogue that reference his legacy and what is happening to it. Its not Shakespeare but then the setting does not easily lend itself to fantastic dialogue.
You must be a closet foler.Seemed like a throw away episode. The dark haired chick is much better looking than the blonde chick. That's all.
It's not over. Also fuck paying all woke shit media corps:Is this season over? Don’t want to sign up for paramount+ yet if they are still trickling episodes
I don’t pay them I binge it and cancel during free period. TY
4 more episodes. But they have been skipping weeks every other episode.I don’t pay them I binge it and cancel during free period. TY
There was a discussion with the mom about the fucking. But strong woman character made her own decision in the end.Great show.
Both this and Yellowstone share a specific flaw, though. They depict groups that are/were extremely conservative in comparison to Hollywood. So they end up making some stupidly unrealistic omissions.
If a farmers daughter in 1800s wanted to fuck a cowboy, there would at least be a discussion of the idea that you don't go around fucking before marriage. Cause only whores do that.
If a farmers daughter in 2000s Montana got knocked up and wanted to get an abortion, there would at least be a discussion of the idea that you don't go killing your baby when you get knocked up by accident, you raise it.
I get that the actors and producers can't relate to these ideas but would have thought somewhere along the line someone would have brought it up. If for no other reason than to poke fun at "backward" ideas about morality. Instead, its like they don't even realize the glaring inconsistencies and just assume that every group in every time has had the same complete lack of ethics as modern Hollywood.
I think the sleeping together thing was only unrealistic in the discussion with the parents thing. Depending on where you grew up people had different names for it but basically having a pregnant bride at the alter was pretty common. My dad called it a traditional Catholic wedding.Great show.
Both this and Yellowstone share a specific flaw, though. They depict groups that are/were extremely conservative in comparison to Hollywood. So they end up making some stupidly unrealistic omissions.
If a farmers daughter in 1800s wanted to fuck a cowboy, there would at least be a discussion of the idea that you don't go around fucking before marriage. Cause only whores do that.
If a farmers daughter in 2000s Montana got knocked up and wanted to get an abortion, there would at least be a discussion of the idea that you don't go killing your baby when you get knocked up by accident, you raise it.
I get that the actors and producers can't relate to these ideas but would have thought somewhere along the line someone would have brought it up. If for no other reason than to poke fun at "backward" ideas about morality. Instead, its like they don't even realize the glaring inconsistencies and just assume that every group in every time has had the same complete lack of ethics as modern Hollywood.
eh, I guess I see your point on Beth's abortion, if no one knew about it (at that time) besides the two most morally fucked people on the show, there was little room for an ethics discussion.Yeah I disagree with both of those points. There was a lot of talk about how they shouldn't and her Dad was going to kill him etc. Meeting someone and then getting married in those days was pretty common though because there aren't that many options and her parents would want her to be married because if you're single in those days you're kind of fucked, as a man or a woman. They were headed to the middle of nowhere so her chances of finding someone was going to go down precipitously.
And the reason Beth got a hysterectomy with her abortion was because Jamie took her to the Indian reservation to have it done because they couldn't let anyone know.