
Avatar of War Slayer
Many American Black men, left the US and joined the French Foreign legion.
Black Jazz clubs in Paris, etc as well.

I haven't watched this yet. this is just in response to Ossoi's comment. I will also say, as long as media is inundated with this shit. Jamming that crap into every thing. having a wokeness meter in every thread rating every series on wokeness is to be expected, and welcome.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
. Jamming that crap into every thing. having a wokeness meter in every thread rating every series on wokeness is to be expected, and welcome.

There is nothing wrong with legitimate complaints or observations that a tv show is woke.

What is cretinous is claiming that woke is present when it isn't, as in this show. Or when LachiusTZ LachiusTZ spent several pages arguing the wire is woke

All that does is a) make the people complaining look like they have no idea what woke is b) make them look like paranoid idiots.

The first paragraph of yours is irrelevant, I have no idea why you thought it necessary to mention it "hur dur did you know the French FOREIGN Legion has Americans in it?"


Molten Core Raider
Yeah this was interesting. I am not a fan of the music choice.

I honestly thought reality was going to be in the 60-70's thus explaining the music choice. Dark had much better use of music. It was cute how you could hear the director's desperately not trying to use the same kind of music. I heard Dark's background music trying to peek in. I like the principle of the story. I am guessing this is a long range space colonization situation. The simulation was created as a way to keep the mind busy during such a long flight. I assume somebody decided to take advantage of it(The brother for the moment).

I was not a fan of the cruise ship 1899 time frame. Why 1899 besides the even 200 year difference in time? That seriously needs an explanation. They could have done this with any time frame. Again I am guessing the one doing the manipulation has something to do with the choice of existence. There is easily room for another season but it could also just end here honestly. So far this is not nearly as compelling as Dark was. I actually think the actors in Dark were a lot better. Also it was a lot easier to relate too. I do not relate to 1899 or cruise ships. Also as noted, the music elevated Dark as opposed to the music in this show. It was worth watching but I would give it a 6.5/10. Dark was a 10/10.
Space is a red herring this is clearing about an AI.


Trakanon Raider
Space is a red herring this is clearing about an AI.

The ending seems like it neatly wraps everything up at first glance, but there's a lot of inconsistencies in the story* that suggests something else may be going on. Overall I didn't like the first season as much as Dark, but that's a pretty high bar. I will give them credit for the ending though - it explains everything enough that it actually works fine as series end if there's never a second season, which is rare these days.

For example:
- the 'memory' that her dad shows the kid is obvious bullshit in retrospect.
- the kid isn't in one of the suspended animation pods
- the pod opposite the one she gets out of is empty
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Trakanon Raider
This show was a fucking mess. A far cry from Dark where everything, though tangled and complicated, was well-constructed.

First, there is - objectively - no meaningful dialogue in the show because characters that don't speak the same language are constantly paired up in scenes. They talk at each other, and then pull a dumb "huh?" expression. Only the audience knows what's being said, so they can't react to each other to drive the plot. Everybody just does random shit in reaction to the crazy happenings around them. The only time there is actual exchange that illuminates the story is when either the captain or the female protagonist is grabbing the other by the arms to shout "STOP LYING!" directly into their pie hole.

There is a ton of time wasted establishing location because everybody's cabin looks the same. Let's do another 3 second close-up of the captain's family photo so we can follow where the fuck the character just bamfed into existence. Speaking of which, that sequence towards the end
where female protag goes in-and-out through the tiled room portals 4 fucking times looking for the captain
was a huge waste of time.

The big reveal was a nothing burger, telegraphed way early when all the
anachronistic tech
started appearing since episode 2 or so. Every other possible (more interesting) explanation is thrown out the window with every bonkers cliffhanger moment at the end of each episode. By the end when the true nature of things is revealed every possible reaction has been removed save for one - "Well yeah, fucking duh".

I would be surprised if this gets a second season, but it is Netflix.
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<Silver Donator>
Ugh--- I liked the first 3 episodes. I thought, for certain, that this was going to be a freaky period piece.

Man did the show go down the crapper fast. If, by episode 6, you even give a fuck about it any more, bail. You'll wish you did when you finish the series and think, "man did I waste my time on that" & "WTF were they thinking?"


Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
It was OK, but I am basic trash that liked Lost.

Called the twist relatively early on like Barellon.

For example:
- the 'memory' that her dad shows the kid is obvious bullshit in retrospect.
- the kid isn't in one of the suspended animation pods
- the pod opposite the one she gets out of is empty

if Henry was telling the truth or a half-truth rather than an outright lie and Daniel indeed had some incurable condition (note that they specifically say incurable but not terminal), possible he is housed separately from everyone else on life support or something of that nature.
Potentially that pod was her brother's if he was the first one to "pull the thread" and find his way out?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It was OK, but I am basic trash that liked Lost.

I don't think there's any shame in liking Lost. Season 1 and 2 were genuinely brilliant and fairly unique in a time when TV was still tranisitioning towards serial drama format instead of episodic storylines. Lost also introduced a lot of "alternate reality" type stuff, like having TV commercials for the Dharma Initiative run with phone numbers running in the commercial breaks.

Season 3 is where it started going downhill


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think there's any shame in liking Lost. Season 1 and 2 were genuinely brilliant and fairly unique in a time when TV was still tranisitioning towards serial drama format instead of episodic storylines. Lost also introduced a lot of "alternate reality" type stuff, like having TV commercials for the Dharma Initiative run with phone numbers running in the commercial breaks.

Season 3 is where it started going downhill
Season 1 and 2 of Lost were some all-time TV high points but you have to take the show as a whole and boy did it take a shit.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Well this was a huge letdown.

I was legit struggling to really give a fuck after episode 5.

What was the fucking point of the captain, one of of the main characters? Only to get disconnected from the Matrix like a bitch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just finished it and wow. Congrats to you all who saw that one coming, I sure didn't. The ending was cool but it also pissed me off as it basically rendered anything covered in S1 worthless. That made about 6 episodes worth of pure wasted filler. They should have made that episode 3 or so and then got on with any real story that might be forthcoming.

Imagine first Matrix we get 2 hours of Neo working at his fucking day job and then the last 5 minutes Morpheus disconnects him, we cut away to future world and roll credits...
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FPS noob
I enjoyed the show but yeah couldn't really recommend it to anyone and it never was great, just pretty decent. I like all the actors and sets which goes a long way, and don't feel like the mystery got dragged on too long. Its hard to see how season 2 would be good but we'll see.

biggest takeaway is I gotta finally see Dark, if everyone says that is much better well then I am missing out.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Disappointed that you all aren't enjoying it. Only read this thread so far, but it got me watching Dark and I'm really enjoying it (only a few episodes in, but I'm a sucker for time travel). Was hoping this would be just as intriguing, but it sounds like it's shit. Bummer.


Trakanon Raider
I wouldn't say it's shit. I think it was a good looking show, and the "twist" as it were was fine. The music choices were baffling in comparison to Dark, but that's really my biggest problem with it. There's a lot of nitpicky douches on here. As it is, i'd say it's somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars out of 5. Hopefully they get a chance to flesh it out with another season, but it doesn't seem to be getting much buzz. :(
Yes, watch Dark!- just for Jeebus' sake switch it off dubbed mode as fast as you can.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wouldn't say it's shit. I think it was a good looking show, and the "twist" as it were was fine. The music choices were baffling in comparison to Dark, but that's really my biggest problem with it. There's a lot of nitpicky douches on here. As it is, i'd say it's somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars out of 5. Hopefully they get a chance to flesh it out with another season, but it doesn't seem to be getting much buzz. :(
Yes, watch Dark!- just for Jeebus' sake switch it off dubbed mode as fast as you can.

Yeah 1899 isn't shit-- but it can't be recommended to anyone is the best way to put it, as said above.

No one is saying check out 1899.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
........ but it got me watching Dark and I'm really enjoying it (only a few episodes in, but I'm a sucker for time travel).
Then our mission is done.

The sad thing about 1899 is that it served to highlight just how great Dark was, in comparison. This would have never even come up if Netflix had not made it a part of the promotion.

From the directors and creators of one of the best science fiction shows of all times comes.....mediocre.
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Egg Nazi
I can't keep any interest in a mystery box show when right away in ep 1 they reveal that much or all of it is taking place in someones head.

Lost had the good sense to wait til the final episode to reveal it was all just lol you were in purgatory. When you strongly hint in ep 1 that its some bullshit like that (VR, dream, hallucination, doesnt matter, its not actually happening) - who gives a shit about mystery boxes? Its all just in someones head, so who cares?

Best thing about this thread is people suggesting that Dark actually pulls all their crazy stuff together into something that makes sense by the end. On S3 now and hoping that starts soon. Dark is fucking great though, I really hope they nail the landing like you guys say.


Trakanon Raider
Eh temper your expectation on Dark's ending. Given how that world worked- the ending they wrote actually wraps things up, is a way that isn't pants shitting stupid. Which is FAR ahead of most series that attempt to do time related shenanigans. At least for me, it wasn't an OMG or WTF ending, I think the ending was fine- it was just kinda bittersweet being the actual end of one my favorite series.


Egg Nazi
I'll be content if they can
make the motivations of the older versions of the main characters into something that make sense. throughout the whole series every one of the old versions have come across as doing exactly the opposite of what they should be / would be doing.


FPS noob
i really liked the main actress and the german captain guy for 1899, the two of them having a lot of charisma helped a lot. The actress playing Maura seemed super familiar, looking it up she played The Widow in Into the Badlands which was a great show and character

I'll always stan for hot redheads, Hollywood is trying to erase them

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