Vyemm Raider
- 3,684
- 3,576
Given the amount of money necessary these days to produce a quality expansive game, nobody is going to go the MMO route. Any game with significant investment to produce a good quality, you will have transaction filled instanced lobby games, which means there's no need of a great open world.
It's a rat race between the rising costs required to produce a modern-era MMO and the simplification that create the revenue streams needed to persuade investors to give you the money - because your kickstarter does not produce enough money for that to happen. The upper bar for open world expansive MMO is basically Project Gorgon.
So scale it down. Don't operate on a budget that requires seeing X00,000 players per month to achieve a return. Maybe instead operate on a budget that only needs X0,000 players or maybe even X,000 players per month. Target niche communities that prove they can be loyal, and let them determine the scope of your game and the size of your team.
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