I think camping is one of the only ways other than instancing the shit out of your game(Or just themeparking the shit out of it with boar ass quests) to have dungeons that fully support more than one group and be social. Now that is to say if this is the case, why not support this "camping" a bit better and design around this feature. How bout having have camps be more dynamic. For instance have mini events spwawn, maybe like a mini horde mode and then a boss spawns at the end within your "camp" or some shit like that. Im not a game designer so I dont know, but Im sure they could make the entire "camping" thing way different than just sitting there waiting for spawns. Im picturing sort of a mini dungeon within a dungeon type experience. shit the whole breaking into a camp was an experience of its own and felt really rewarding. Like hell yeah, were in here now boys, start pulling...
I dont like dungeon crawls for the specific reson stated above, it feels like its on rails, plus, yeah, you essentially have to instance. Plus people bitch that dungeons are too long and you end up cutting them up to 30 min chunks, like Wow did Which I hate. THat is nto to say the game should nto have something like this as well, right? How bout both?
I want those huge sprawling EQ dungeons back, like Sebilis, Veks..etc... But with more modern features. Like the above mentioned dynamic shit happening that isnt all static spawns 24/7 on a timer.
Camps that were basically Mobs coming to you would be great lol. Like in Fellowship of the Ring when they are trapped and goblins / cave troll are all coming at them.
However, I think it will essentially be like an EQ "ring event", and not many people enjoyed those I think. People like to dictate the pace of their camps.
Huge sprawling non-instanced dungeons would be great to see again.
What you both talk about is 100% able to be done with EverQuest today with a designer that is willing to put the time and effort in to making it happen.
This is one of the things I have been tinkering with on my private EQemu server actually.
Every time a mob spawns or dies, you can fire off code in the scripting engine in EQemu. There's any number of things you can do when that happens.
What I am tinkering with is a design where it keeps track of the type of mob killed, where it was killed (with in a range of a location... aka a "camp") and how many have been killed in the past x number of minutes. Based on those variables, any number of things can be triggered. Maybe a set of guards are spawned that patrol from a guard area out to the area where there have been a lot of their kind go missing. If those guards are killed, maybe an alarm is sounded across the zone, and elite guards are spawned that patrol the area. This can all build up to a climax event of sorts, or it can die down based on less killings happening in that area for a set period of time.
That's just one scenario for ramping up a "camp" area based on usage in that area. More groups killing there, more mobs show up. They stay there long enough, and harder mobs show up. Stay even longer at same killing pace, and boss mobs show up... maybe raid level.
Another design I have thought about is specialized to named NPCs like a cook. If Commander Uber Orc shows up and paths to the dining area of the dungeon, theres a chance an orc grunt spawns in the dining area, paths over to the commander, some npc dialog ensues, the orc grunt paths off to the kithen area. When the grunt orc gets to the kitchen area, it spawns Cook JoeBob Orc who paths around the kitchen before pathing to the dining area. etc...
Any part of this even can splinter or even end abruptly based on the actions of the players in the area. If they kill the commander before he talks to the grunt, the cook will not spawn for that event (he might spawn for some other event or just randomly as a named spawn later on). If they kill the cook before he paths to the dining area, they will be able to fight him with out fighting the commander and him at the same time. If the cook dies, it can trigger an event for the commander to get upset with waiting so long, and he paths to the kitchen to find out what is taking so long. When he gets to the kitchen area, he sounds an alarm for intruders because the cook has been killed.
The point is, a camp based design can be dynamic. It is all up to the designer as to how dynamic it is made.