- 14,951
- -1,239
There are a few fat linemen, but most of them are in better shape than anyone you know. I was mostly commenting about the stupidity of the BMI Charts, which don't even take sex into consideration when telling the world what they should weigh.Talking heads can call them athletic all they want (and they are relatively speaking) but most linemen are obese I'd agree. Those guys aren't doing themselves any favors healthwise. I don't care how you're built, your body is going to break down eventually from carrying all that weight. I saw a pic of Matt Birk post retirement the other day and he's dropped a ton of weight, looked like the pic was taken at a running event. Seems like a smart move, going through your 40's and into your 50's at 300+ pounds is probably going to shorten your lifespan significantly. Of course all their brains are halfway to mush by then anyway so whatever.
Witness Clay Matthews III, 6'3", 255 lbs, BMI 31.9, obese man.