Planet Earth? What are you from Mars?What planet do you live on where peanut butter doesn't go with bananas?
Man, can you imagine that kids neck in the Breese gif? His head would have popped off.Brooks is going to go ape shit when they play Tampa in December.
I think you can go for the lower leg(ankles, calf) as long as it is not knee level, but the rules are so odd I am not totally sure on that.Well, that was a strange tangent. But yeah, PB and bananas are good.
So, defenders have to tackle the QB only at the waist? That seems one step away from flag football.
"We've had way too many abdominal injuries to our precious quarterbacks, what if we just strapped some strips of fabric to his waist?"
Guess I am from Mars too shit.Planet Earth? What are you from Mars?
This is how Brady looks after one-too-many ignored high fives.
Just stop you dumbass. Peanut Butter and Bananas has been an American staple ever since Elvis started doing that shit.Meh, I have a cousin that puts ketchup on mac and cheese which I think is strange as fuck. Doesn't mean Pete fucking Carroll is a fag.
Well he did grill his and sometimes added bacon as well.Just stop you dumbass. Peanut Butter and Bananas has been an American staple ever since Elvis started doing that shit.
... Cathan?Watch the bicep and not the forearm, it clearly makes contact with the neck before or at the very least at the same time as his forearm.
Also, "I mean I'm going full speed and he is going full speed, and at the last second he ducked his shoulder, you know what I mean?" Brooks said. "I mean I don't think I could have done anything differently. I meanI could have tackled him lowerbut I'm running around quick and coming around the corner andI'm there trying to knock the ball out of his handsbecause I'm thinking he's going to throw the ball, but then he ducks his shoulder."
As I thought, Brooks even admits he could have tackled him lower, but chose to go high to try and force the fumble/sack. So if that doesn't deserve to be a penalty than what does? Does anyone see Brees duck in that picture? So add headhunting to the list and I hope he is fined. Consider my jimmies rustled, I'm sick of seeing this controversial call bs, it was only called because it was Brees', bs. If you've watched saints football in the brees/payton era you would know brees rarely gets those calls. He did get a "controversial" call in the jets game two weeks ago; there is nothing controversial about this call.
Yes, I'm crying because it makes me sad how stupid people are.... Cathan?