2013 Oscar Nominations

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
haven't seen Ted, but from what I heard its basically a live action Family Guy


Molten Core Raider
I guess. If by live action Family Guy you mean a guy, his hot ass girlfriend and a talking teddy bear...then sure.


Buzzfeed Editor
It is like Family Guy in that he uses pop culture for a lot of his jokes, but that is just his style of humor. It isn't all that though. The movie was nothing like Family Guy aside from that.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
I guess. If by live action Family Guy you mean a guy, his hot ass girlfriend and a talking teddy bear...then sure.
you mean like a guy, his hot ass wife and a pot smoking anthropomorphic speaking animal who is his best friend?

hmm, where have i seen that before. sounds like all its missing is some extra kids.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not at all. Does it cheapen winning the Super Bowl when a team was pretty much put together to win the Super Bowl?
Thats a different argument all together. The entire point of a football team is to win the Super Bowl. The point of movies is not to win awards, its to entertain.

But with regards to your comment, football no, baseball (Yankees for example) yes I do. From a players perspective no, but from a fans perspective I think it does to some fans. When your roster is tens of millions more then other teams and your penalty for going over the cap is more then some teams salaries then yes I feel that you are buying a championship and it does cheapen it a little. Miami heat is another example I guess, although they did it with players collaborating and not circumventing any salary cap.


Millie's Staff Member
Nothing sticks out in that list as being exceptional. Not surprising because it was an unexceptional year. Not even gonna bother watching the awards again. Life of pi was the only film on that list that made me care about the story.

Ted was decent, actually much better than I expected it to be. all because of Flash Gordon.


Molten Core Raider
Really, this is the 2nd bad year in a row for good dramatic movies. 2011 was pretty crap with The Help, Tree of Life, Hugo, War Horse, etc.

2010 was incredible, with the likes of Inception, The Fighter, Black Swan, Social Network, True Grit, King's Speech, Winter's Bone, etc. Had any one of those movies in 2010 nominated for best picture been released in 2011 or 2012, they probably would have won. I haven't seen a dramatic/serious movie in the last two years as good as Inception or Black Swan or The Fighter, they all unfortunately ran into athe awards buzzsaw that was The King's Speech that year.

This year I've seen Argo, Django, Lincoln, and Zero Dark Thirty and while all were decent, none were great or overly memorable. Django was probably the most entertaining, but it isn't better than Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown or Inglorious Basterds. I probably put it on par with the Kill Bill movies.


El Presidente
Really, this is the 2nd bad year in a row for good dramatic movies. 2011 was pretty crap with The Help, Tree of Life, Hugo, War Horse, etc.

2010 was incredible, with the likes of Inception, The Fighter, Black Swan, Social Network, True Grit, King's Speech, Winter's Bone, etc. Had any one of those movies in 2010 nominated for best picture been released in 2011 or 2012, they probably would have won. I haven't seen a dramatic/serious movie in the last two years as good as Inception or Black Swan or The Fighter, they all unfortunately ran into athe awards buzzsaw that was The King's Speech that year.

This year I've seen Argo, Django, Lincoln, and Zero Dark Thirty and while all were decent, none were great or overly memorable. Django was probably the most entertaining, but it isn't better than Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown or Inglorious Basterds. I probably put it on par with the Kill Bill movies.
Agree with 2010 being so much better than the last 2 years for movies, though I think Black Swan is highly overrated in general.


The point of movies is not to win awards, its to entertain.
According to who? You? I expect many others feel differently, and I certainly do. Indeed, you seemed to be complaining about movies that were made with the intention, i.e. point, of winning Oscars (colloquially known as Oscar bait). I expect many of those were made to win awards and to entertain; movies can have more than one point.

But, no, in general I do not feel effort cheapens success.


Molten Core Raider
The problem with the current state of movies is either you are a huge blockbuster release with 10s or even 100s of millions of dollars spent on advertising and you're shooting for an opening week record of some kind, or no one has ever heard of the movie, there's not much in-between. The Oscars are about the only way most of these "serious" movies get any noticeable publicity, they certainly can't afford to spend 50 million on marketing for a movie with an overall budget of half that or less. For ever Avengers or Avatar that is made it makes it harder and harder for the next Shawshank or Good Will Hunting to see the light of day.

We've also reached the point that since the Oscars are the best advertising for these types of movies(free advertising), that they almost all end up getting released in theaters right around Oscar time, in the Dec-Feb time frame. This basically leaves a huge gap in theater lineups for the majority of the year. All you see now from Spring to Summer to Fall are big-budget action, comedy and animation movies. Hell, I've seen more commercials for whatever the latest horrible Wayans mock-horror movie is than most of the movies nominated for Best Picture, it's like studios have given up even trying to make people aware of actual good movies.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Do we really have to debate the career of Seth Macfarland in the Oscar thread?

I don't get the Zero Dark Thirty hate by some, I thought it was a pretty good movie, I think a lot just expected it to be aguns blazing moderm military movie and there was a lot more to it then that.
I haven't seen the movie, but Araysar and a fair number of liberals are butt hurt about it because they think it glorifies torture.


Trakanon Raider
i saw "silver linings playbook" and i live in philadelphia and i thought the movie was mediocre at best. "zero dark thirty" i thought was boring as fuck and overall pretty shitty. again, can't believe this is a nominated movie. the only movie i saw this year that i really thought was oscar worthy was "argo" which was a great story and wonderfully acted/directed. i never even heard of "beasts of the southern wild" (but now that it's been nominated i think i'll try and see it. has anyone here seen it? it is worth seeing?). "lincoln" was good, but i wouldn't say great. definitely not one of speilberg's best IMO. to be honest, the last time i saw a movie that i thought was really oscar worthy was "the king's speech" which i contest is probably one of the best movies of the decade.

also, i agree that family guy sucks ass, but mcfarlane totally redeemed himself with american dad, which is the funniest show on television (roger the alien is probably the greatest tv personality of all time).


Molten Core Raider
Most of the Academy is over 40, and over half are actors.

This is why Chicago won in 2002, and Moulin Rouge was nominated the year before. Fuck actors.