2021 NFL Offseason: QB Carousel Imminent -- Retirement Boogaloo


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think that he thought the market would be better than it is. Other than Aaron Jones all these RBs are signing cheap deals for a year. So this was probably best offer or best situation for Carson. He’s a beast when healthy, I hope he he’s a bounce back year. Even on limited touches last year he produced a lot.

Yeah that's why it being 2 years instead of 1 seemed strange. But maybe the contract is really more of a 1 year deal that Seattle will likely let him go out of or something. Makes Carson an interesting fantasy option again, since Carroll seems to want to go back to running the ball more.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The running back signings by the Texans are hard to understand. Maybe they have some cool machine that will mix them all together into one running back.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I could give a fuck how many buttholes Watson fingerpopped. Come to the goddamn 49ers!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I could give a fuck how many buttholes Watson fingerpopped. Come to the goddamn 49ers!
I mean there's a very real chance that Watson never takes another snap, or at least loses a year or two out of his prime over this.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
What if Watson went overboard trying to make himself look like a bad long term investment so they'd want to move him? The conspiracy can go both ways!
Did you come up with that on your own?
Couple things.

Tony Buzbee ran for Houston Mayor in 2020 and failed. In time we will see how much of this #MeToo claim is real.


*conspiracy warning*
*conspiracy warning*
*conspiracy warning*
conspiracy theory mood GIF

The conspiracy theory around this is that this is a Jussie Smollett kind of play being done here by Watson to get himself traded. The Texans have always had an understood policy that any player rostered, from the minimum wage pay player to the top, that they must be outstanding representatives of the team and come with high morale character. With this claim being lodged against Watson, and if this character code is to be followed through on, then Watson will get his way, get traded and then this claim will disappear.
Aww man you didn't.



Potato del Grande
I mean there's a very real chance that Watson never takes another snap, or at least loses a year or two out of his prime over this.
If the governor of New York can survive #metoo, so can Deshaun Watson.
  • 1Worf
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I could give a fuck how many buttholes Watson fingerpopped. Come to the goddamn 49ers!

I mean there's a very real chance that Watson never takes another snap, or at least loses a year or two out of his prime over this.
Yeah, I don't want the 49ers to trade away a ton of capital for a guy who has a very real chance of missing significant time. Remember, the NFL can see fit to punish you even if you didn't actually do anything, but if whatever it was somehow made them look bad.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did you come up with that on your own?

Aww man you didn't.


I mean, I didn't actually pay attention to that post of yours so I didn't steal it from you. Starting to wonder if you are a burner account for Easterby. A lot of things match up.
  • 2Worf
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<Gold Donor>
Gonna spend all this money and still end up 8-8. Cowboys East confirmed

With a record like that we'll be a shoein for the playoffs, while the patriots are gonna just be a dumpster bin team wishing they had their cheater in chief back.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
A 7th for 1st round talent is worth it. What's dumb is wasting all that money and potential to vape and party. He may get a 3rd chance but he might not. What a huge waste.

If he had just been hurt or something, yeah, definitely go for the low risk high reward play. This came off as him having all these obvious issues last year and the coach being like "it's cool, I know him, it'll be fine".

Obviously worse on player's end, 1st round pick, he could just be mediocre and get 8 years out of that and be set for life if he wasn't stupid.
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El Presidente
Sources: Fins to waive RT Wilson days after trade

Not that they gave up much for him, still dumb, though.
A 7th for 1st round talent is worth it. What's dumb is wasting all that money and potential to vape and party. He may get a 3rd chance but he might not. What a huge waste.
It's not even a 7th, it's a pick swap of 7ths. Obviously losing a tiny bit of draft capital sucks, but the guy seems like a somehow low effort waste. It's pretty rare for guys to be like that at that level. crazy.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Curious how much of that initial contract he actually made, because reading cutting him leaves no dead cap for Miami because his salary guarantees were gone due to his suspension while with the Titans.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah thats the way I see it - Miami is like "Sure we'll swap 20 positions in the 7th fucking round to see if this dude is a basket case or just hated where he was" - and there was no financial penalty for cutting him.

If I was a Miami fan, I'd actually be impressed by the GM - top of the 7th round you're very unlikely to find a good player, let alone at the bottom of it. This was a great bet imo - sure he didn't win, but it wasn't like he lost much of anything
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