28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


what Suineg set it to
I just dislike the new factions and look. I much preferred the old old world.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just dislike the new factions and look. I much preferred the old old world.
100% agree. Throw in Gorka Morka with Mordheim and I'd be a happy camper. The skirmish games with character development were a ton of fun.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know if I should put this in the Blood Bowl thread or here, but I feel like that thread is mostly for the video game. I have a weak spot for backing crowd-funding for Blood Bowl teams and there's an Underworld team I'm backing that isn't getting as much support as I feel it should (maybe because they picked Indiegogo instead of Kickstarter).

Anyway, keep in mind that this is a true crowd-funding so they don't have the minis manufactured yet like a lot of the campaigns that just use these sites as a pre-order basically, but I love the designs and the sculptures they've finished so far are second only to Greebo's stuff for me.
There are 3 weeks left and some Early Bird spots are still available:


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Artwork looks very GW-ish (for BB, at least). Not that I care personally, but with actual tabletop BB being in (re-)development with GW right now I'm surprised that they haven't received the "wrong" kind of attention, if you know what I mean.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I don't know how that's working since a secondary market had to spring up when they stopped supporting the product. I do know they were shooting down anything that specifically called it Blood Bowl, so they all refer to this as Fantasy Football now. I also notice that a lot of them try to stay away from the specific GW nomenclature for races and star players names, so I'm sure they're all walking a fine line.

Not sure what my local league will do if they make sweeping changes to the rules, but nobody will care what minis I'm using. A bit worried about NAF tournaments no longer being sanctioned unless GW minis are being used, but I only do 1-2 tournaments per year, so it doesn't affect me too much.


Riddle me this...
I'm excited for MkIII. The fact trenchers get tough makes me happy. I decided to quit playing until MkIII comes out because my brain has enough problems trying to forget rules from previous games.
We have a couple people who are doing Guildball, not my cup of tea personally. Models look cool though. Our Press Ganger is also the Guild Ball guy here. Been a lot of overlap with WarmaHordes and Guild Ball.
I'm the official Pathfinder at our shop for Mantic. KoW has been doing pretty awesome, I've tried hard to keep the community chill and not uber competitive. I was worried when I and three other people went to tournament in Nashville last month. Thought we would run into a bunch of dick punch lists and be unable to handle them since our meta is pretty relaxed. We didn't do too bad. Not counting for paint scores (who the fuck counts paint scores as part of the overall score?) 3 out of 4 of us placed in the top half. Not bad for a bunch of rednecks who've been playing for 3 months.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Some of the Warmachine changes from the newest PP podcast.

i play about 5 of these factions and happy with all the changes.

- Trenchers get Tough
- Ironclad PC 12, Quake hammer does 4" KD AOE (excepting the Ironclad) *Attack but still a normal attack.
- Second Cygnaran civil war - new ruler in Cygnar

- A lot of things that mitigate tough now
- Only utilize tough while standing, not when lying down
- All models will have specific roles
- Warders extremely durable, Champs extremely hard hitting
- Far Strike - made balancing things difficult because you had to assume Far Strike would be applied. Now just Range Self. Lower cost. Renaissance of Trollblood ranged weapons. WarWagon has Rng 12 on big gun now.
- Trollbloods moving to subcontinent south of Menoth. Not all trolls went along.
- Going to give the Northkin some attention

- Feora still trying to take over the protectorate
- Warjacks got a +1 Mat boost (Mat 6) because Hymn of Battle was skewing what could be done with Warjacks. Battle doesn't do +2 any more. Choir is about more Strength instead of more Accuracy.
- Exemplar units differentiated.
- Cavalry changed a lot. Every Cav Unit gets reposition(*) Vengers = 3"

Circle Ourborous
- Rebuilding, fighting with Cyriss over ley lines
- More mobility in the story terms due to ley lines
- All about manipulating the board. Maneuverability, strike and fade.
- Will loves the Tharn
- Ravager Chieftan gets Mass Carnage (Overtake for a turn) still have heart tokens. Also gives Vengance (seems the same as previous)
- Skinwalkers vs. Ravagers, a little Def vs. Off. Each has a clearer role.
- Little changes to points, abilities result in a big shift in how it plays
- Tharn got cheaper.

- Conquest got new rule High Explosive. Blast damage is pow 10, not halved. Still shoot twice.
- Retooling Man- O- Wars. First Heavy Infantry but learned how to do HI better later.
- How do you do Heavy Armour without bogging down the game
- Man- O- Wars are most durable infantry in the game. Almost all med- based infantry get 5 wounds, but MoW get 8.
- Shocktroopers get a command attachment "he is crazy". Immoveable wall. Can't be pushed or KD'd. MoW can be repaired now.
- Sorscha almost unchanged. Same feat - freezes everyone in LoS- same spell list.
- Most casters have stuck with their core theme. Refinement of the themes.
- Most fearsome person in Khador is the Khadoran Accountant. Thornwood was very expensive. Time off from invading everyone.

- Lots of layers, like an onion.
- Will loves construct warriors. All Immortals have Soul Vessel - give souls on death.
- Cataphracts each have their own purpose
- All support pieces re- examined for their role in the army
- Skorne has specific themes, but can be brought in a wide expanse of choices
- Still going to be a problem in Ios
- Got hit hard by events at end of Mk2 storyline. Rebuilding

- Toruk does appear in Wrath of the Dragonfather
- Toruk may have eaten another dragon, been wounded or destroyed; one or more of those
- Still have recursion mechanics
- Big change - Least amount of warjacks, mostly troops. Revision of point costing, Power Up rule, higher WJ points leads to more of a combined arms strategy. Viable warjack choices

Legion of Everblight
- Not wiped out by Krueger the Stormlord.

- Some close calls have Everblight a little skittish
- Twins entered into new phase of relationship with Everblight "It's Complicated"
- Legion was always about Warbeasts and they wanted to give other reasons to bring troops (Blighted Nyss, Ogrun) Points rebalancing. Overall, in hordes, Fury manipulation of running beasts hot but taking no risk. Legion best at doing this still, but not as good as they used to be.
- New Gross minis with matching abilities

Retribution of Scyrah
- They are included in Prime as a core faction now. Alien, unique compared to the rest of the IK factions.
- Myrmidons could regen power fields, but it's not worth it. Every Jack gets a free focus now, so regenning shield is viable now if there's nothing else going on.
- Units had roles redefined so they all fit well.
- Points rebalancing. First Mk2 faction, so being first is blessing and curse.
- Pending fiction will delve into Skorne/Ios war ending, after new edition release. Some tangible confirmation that their gods are still looking out for them. Perhaps costs associated.
- Retribution moving into the next phase of development; more houses joining. More accepted in Ios. Retribution is premiere military force. Defence of Ios is dependent on Retribution.

Convergence of Cyriss
- Not a core faction, but getting a Forces book
- Induction is defining faction feature. No Power Up. Induction is not limited. Spend it all and pass it all on.
- Still need to position your models well.
- Benefitted from retooling, reimagining models
- Convergence already benefitted from previous lessons because they came late in Mk2. Most unchanged of the factions.
- Corollary - still a nightmare. "It's a true battery now."
- Circle/Cyriss ley line wars
- CoC has had a number of successes in advancing their alignment and pushing Circle out. "Good couple of years"

- Pigs and Gators working together! Mass hysteria!
- Mercs, minions can mix and match units. There are still a few things that you can't mix (like Animosity). Cephalyx are questionable employers.
- Barnabus succeeded in becoming a god. Transcended into a new state of being; repurcussions incoming.
- Lot of Merc action in Blood of Kings
- Magnus has been seen in illustrations and on back of books. Lots of time in the limelight.
- Opening up contracts makes for interesting combos in fiction.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
my brain has enough problems trying to forget rules from previous games.
I'm that way with GW games anymore, and I even get crossover between game systems. Years ago I was playing a friend and he put an avatar on the table. I said something like"I don't know why people don't take them more often, since they're free". Everyone just looked up from the table and stared at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead. The only thing that makes sense was that in Epic there as a free unit card for an Avatar? I don't even know anymore.


Nothing says you can't use the constructed format for your casual games. It's what all of us Warmachine guys do. I haven't played a game that didn't have a Steamroller scenario in like 6 or 7 years.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, but even in a casual game with friends, you have to have points, otherwise it's kind of ridiculous.
Just in my own experience, it really depends on the folks involved. Unfortunately for me, the only people I know who still play are the ultra-competitive jackasses with 3-4 armies who are always on the lookout for the most OP beardy netlists they can find to abuse. They're part of the reason that the casual, laid-back people (the ones I'd be willing to play w/o points) just up and quit wholesale.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just in my own experience, it really depends on the folks involved. Unfortunately for me, the only people I know who still play are the ultra-competitive jackasses with 3-4 armies who are always on the lookout for the most OP beardy netlists they can find to abuse. They're part of the reason that the casual, laid-back people (the ones I'd be willing to play w/o points) just up and quit wholesale.
There are definitely always going to be that sort at the LFGS. Luckily, in our play group of friends and family, no one is. But, if I were to play my Chaos army against my brother's Wood Elf army, without points, it'd be a slaughter and no fun for either of us. That's sort of what I was thinking. I'm sure house rules wouldn't be too hard to adopt, however.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Well, in my case it isn't FLGS people, it's actually RL friends and acquaintances. A couple of groups split in half and people went their separate ways, partially because of the drama it caused. We still have a few people who now only play at one of the FLGS or another, because none of us will play them any more. The friends of mine who were fun to play against have for the most part either sold their armies, thrown them away or just buried them in boxes and won't dig them out. The games just weren't fun for them after a while.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Time for the MkIII stock report after all the cards got leaked : sell Cryx and Legion, buy Ret and Khador

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Yea initial reports are ret/cygnar/khador, mercs, menoth, cryx follow. For hordes it seems a little more up to opinion but trolls/circle at the top followed by skorne and then legion.