Much more probable is that faster than light / wormhole / warp speed travel is physically impossible and the universe is simply littered with the graves of single planet civilizations that all eventually die out without ever making or receiving contact with anyone else. Even if they manage to colonize what few rocks that are habitable in their local systems it is impossible to travel beyond that. As the universe increases the speed at which it inflates, forever expanding away from similar aged systems, it's literally impossible to ever make contact.
Imagine the beginning of the universe as a rock dropped in a pond and the ripples produced in the water is the expansion of the universe. If you assume technologically advanced intelligent life requires X number of billions of years to evolve, then all civilizations capable of communicating at the same time we can all inhabit the same "ring," the same circular ripple around the center of where that rock was dropped. Unlike a pond, however, we are expanding faster and faster as time goes on, not slowing down, so we will never be able to communicate with anything beyond our direct immediate celestial neighbors, that is systems at least the same age as ours within listening range, which we've been listening for what 30 years so 15 light years for 2 way communication to be achievable. And really "listening" is probably always limited to extremely small ranges like this, otherwise you're picking up radio waves from so long ago in the past its irrelevant. Without faster than light technology extremely local listening is all we are capable of doing. "Looking" further away than this, all light is always snap shots of the past, hundreds or millions or even billions of years into the past.
While the drake equation is pure junk science and nothing but a bunch of assumptions the truth is there's hardly any viable candidates in our neighborhood (both distance and age) and if faster than light travel is never possible then space is mostly fucking empty, 99% of planets that have life on them are simple bacterial life and the chances that any 2 planets with technologically advanced life existing at the same time happening to exist directly next to one another and thus being able to communicate with one another within their civilizations lifespans are virtually zero.
All science fiction, from space empires to aliens to star wars always involve the concept of faster than light travel, its so fucking common we must be kicking ourselves we haven't figured out how to do it yet. Yet the entirety of everything we know about the physics of the universe is one simple principle, nothing can travel faster than light.
So instead of having to come up with crazy convoluted scenarios to explain some "paradox" on why we can't detect any life when it should be super fucking abundant we should go with the obvious conclusion which is Einstein has a better understanding on how the universe works than George Lucas.