To have "wrecked me over the years" I would have had to know who you are, first of all. I have been posting on this forum since the NOOWS days under the same name the entire time. I didn't even see your posts until about 2-3 years ago. And on the topic of superiority, the only thing you have on me is me being fat (which is why you continually beat that dead horse in the most unoriginal way possible). You are an unhappy, unmarried, single, attention whoring, frankensteinian, crossdressing, low wage, syccophantic train wreck of a human being who continually has to declare yourself victor to grab any scrap of self esteem. You have zero dignity, compassion, humility, self awareness, or drive beyond your next dopamine hit of attention you get on this board by posting word vomit every time someone says tranny or manessa. And at 40 years old, working a dead end job, living in an apartment all alone, it is only going to go downhill for you from here as age robs you of what little "feminity" you think you have. You have alienated everyone, left and right, or you would not be here constantly clamoring for more attention.
Me? If I actually gave enough of a shit I could drop a few bucks on the HPs and keep you in perma rickshaw vacation and not even notice it in my weekly fuck off budget. I am happily married, gainfully employed in an upwardly mobile position, and doing something fun every night of the week if I feel like it. I have three sets of friends I divide my time between which is why you don't see me on the board very much compared to the heavy posters. Lord Xenu willing, I will die fat, happy, face down, after having a heart attack from eating a fucking mushroom burger at my favorite burger joint in town here while out drunk with friends.
You are probably going to get shanked when you try to trick the wrong lesbian into some surprise penis unless playing shotgun kazoo gets you first. There is literally no single aspect of my life I would trade with yours, because I have known your kind often enough to understand how dead and rotten inside you are. And you frankly need to be visible to others as a reminder that tolerance, like all things in life, can be taken too far and as a warning sign to never let the crazy have a foothold. This is why several of us do not advocate banning you. Because if you had any say, a lot of kids lives would be ruined at the bare minimum. Fortunately woman (real women) are good emotional readers and the only ones you can reel in are the irrevocably damaged or the desperate. But everyone else needs a stark reminder of what you really are and represent. And there is no better spokesperson for that then just putting a spotlight on you and letting you sperg out every time you get triggered. You are no one's friend or ally and I would not be you for all the world, even for a day.
Incoming meme laden post with claims of "ownage" in 5.... 4..... 3.... 2....