Loudly and with much vulgarity and fanfare.Bandwagon how do you deal with your testicles getting in the way of your tray’s operation.
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Loudly and with much vulgarity and fanfare.Bandwagon how do you deal with your testicles getting in the way of your tray’s operation.
I don't care if some asshole says they're a democratic socialist, a nazi, a buddhist, a rosicrucian, a zoroastrian, a conservative, a flat earther, or even -and may Allah forgive me for even mentioning this- a weeb.
I've been ball-bombing since I was 15 and the joy it gives me has never worn off.
If it makes you guys feel better, it even gives me a boner.
I don't think I've ever gotten one of those "pick the squares" captcha right on the first try.
been posting here for almost 24 years. everyone knows who the fuck i am.
They don't cook dogs the way you like?the fuck is this faggot?
never trust a bald chef or a thin chef
If he was white the Feds would have given him a real gun.
I remember playing chess and always thinking “what a bunch of fags”.
Incorrect, good sir. Rules in the OPThis is cheating sir.
don't go trying to fuck octopuses based on my recollection
Loose thotts sinkHoss