690 or 7990 or Titian


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So it upgrade time I think currenty running 3 x 6950 bios modded to 6970 which really means I run 2 cause of the trifire negative scaling.

I know 690 and 7990 are basicslly 2 chips pressed together for lack of better explaination..While the titian is a single card beast..

Standard rez I play at is 2650. X 1600 sometimes. I break out the triple screens but not often. So if you were to decide between these cards what would it be.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
What, price isn't an option? And are you talking a single 7990/690/Titan, or CFX/SLI?

Hell, does the Titan even do SLI?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
just like to drop in and say that crossfire is very hit and miss for me, especially on new releases which are like 99% of what I play when I care about graphics.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
just like to drop in and say that crossfire is very hit and miss for me, especially on new releases which are like 99% of what I play when I care about graphics.
Agreed, CFX is not well supported on way too many titles, and no one at AMD seems to care, at least not in time for the release of anything new. I laughed when I saw 2-3 year old games in the release notes for Catalyst 13.1.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One board soultion.l been running a tri fire system and to tell truth it doesnt work in lot of games. Crossfire is better but if I can get it on one board the better leaves more room for add ins like a sound card I cant fit in my case.

So I know the 690 and 7990 are basically crossfire/sli the titian being a true single gpu .. I spent 1k on my gpus last run with trifire. I was looking at these 3 cards I was wondering any advice.

I leanng towards a titian based on my history with tri and crossfire. Maybe team green is better but last card I had from them was 2 x 280gtx even thou I stuck 660ti in my wifes machine she seems happy with.

So basically if you were me could pick one if these cards what would you choose.


El Presidente
Are dual GPU single cards really like running 2 cards in SLI though? I have a 590 gtx in one of my machines and aside from having to upgrade some fans due to the extra heat it produced I haven't had any issues with it on newer or older games.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Performance being somewhat equal, I would go single GPU over X2 / CFX / SLI any day of the week. Fewer issues, no matter what you throw at it, new or old. So, I guess I'd go with the Titan.

And, if you're insane and feel like going Titan SLI, two of them together apparently smokes everything else.

Edit: Sterling, not sure how the newer AMD X2 cards work, but my 4970X2 showed as CFX when I opened the control panel. I think it just has the added bonus (over two regular 4970s in CFX) of having access to the same RAM, on-die, rather than the second card having to talk through a bus and back to get at it.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still completely satisfied with my 6970 I bought 2 years ago. Looking over the benchmarks on Anandtech, I wouldn't pay the extra for the Titian. There are certain games that the Titian completely trump the 7970GE, but if you're playing 2560x1440 or under, they are usually above playable framerates anyway. It's not worth more than double the price of 7970GE.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Titan should see some increased performance from future drivers as well. It's definitely the best option, if money isn't an issue.


Trakanon Raider
I game in 1440p and have a 7970, not a GE but I have it OCd up to 1150, and only stopped there because it was already crushing games. If you were doing 3x that often I could see the need for a Titan.

It seems like a real I have money that I want to waste, what should I waste it on question lol


Molten Core Raider
Interesting article about 4K resolution(4096x2160) gaming benchmarking Titan vs Dual 7970s


Not exactly all the cards you are asking about, but the general consensus is that multi-card setups have issues with a lot of games in very high resolutions(stuff you would possibly be encountering in your multi-monitor situations)

From the article:
"Even with AMD?s Eyefinity enabled, we still ran into some scaling issues with games like FarCry3, Max Payne 3 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive either being unplayable or only playing on half of the screen. While we?re not entirely sure whether it was the graphics drivers or the games themselves, we really hope that game developers are preparing to support 4K resolutions, like it or not."

The benchmarks in the article are dual AMD cards vs single Titan in all the graphs, such as:

So basically...go Titan. You *might* get better performance out of dual 7990s or 690s, but they could have issues with certain games/driver releases. Go with Titan and keep it simple, while still having great performance.


Trakanon Raider
Never found too many issues with SLI when my main gaming CPU had it for a few years. A couple little niggles here and there, but overall nothing major. As far as said issues go, they're the same whether you have to separate cards or a dual GPU single card. They function virtually the same in that respect.


<Gold Donor>
Unless you are running like 3-4 1080p monitors, cards like this are like the worst purchase you can make. Might as well give you my email so you can paypal me the money.


Trakanon Raider
Interesting article about 4K resolution(4096x2160) gaming benchmarking Titan vs Dual 7970s


Not exactly all the cards you are asking about, but the general consensus is that multi-card setups have issues with a lot of games in very high resolutions(stuff you would possibly be encountering in your multi-monitor situations)

From the article:
"Even with AMD's Eyefinity enabled, we still ran into some scaling issues with games like FarCry3, Max Payne 3 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive either being unplayable or only playing on half of the screen. While we're not entirely sure whether it was the graphics drivers or the games themselves, we really hope that game developers are preparing to support 4K resolutions, like it or not."

The benchmarks in the article are dual AMD cards vs single Titan in all the graphs, such as:

So basically...go Titan. You *might* get better performance out of dual 7990s or 690s, but they could have issues with certain games/driver releases. Go with Titan and keep it simple, while still having great performance.
Um from that benchmark the titan doesn't even beat the CF 7970s So why wouldnt you just go with those? You could buy 2x 7970s and save like $350 vs the titan, there is 0 reason to buy a 7970 Ghz, i dont even understand why people post about it, it is the same card as the 7970 with a moderate OC, right? For a massive markup.

That min fps on the titan is scary, that isn't even playable, who the hell even cares that its max is higher, no one is gaming in 4xHD at 120hz so its all overflow.


<Gold Donor>
Um from that benchmark the titan doesn't even beat the CF 7970s So why wouldnt you just go with those? You could buy 2x 7970s and save like $350 vs the titan, there is 0 reason to buy a 7970 Ghz, i dont even understand why people post about it, it is the same card as the 7970 with a moderate OC, right? For a massive markup.

That min fps on the titan is scary, that isn't even playable, who the hell even cares that its max is higher, no one is gaming in 4xHD at 120hz so its all overflow.
Because crossfire sucks balls. The cards dont sync up properly and you get micro stutters like the following...


You can read the entire thing here...


And in order to get rid of the micro stutters, you need to add a 3rd card. I remember reading about this a while ago, EDIT:HERE IT IS, which finally normalizes the framerates into a smoohter graph. Also another way is to get the FPS to be grater than the refresh rate on the monitor. So if you have a 60mhz monitor you need to be pushing 70-80FPS and then you will get rid of microstutter. Which usually means turning down graphics settings.

So for your question, 2x Nvidia 680 in SLI are better than one titan. And fuck crossfire because of the microstutters. Unless you get 3x Crossfire like you had before.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
How can anyone even stand playing multi monitor setups? The bazels would drive me crazy.


<Gold Donor>
They have certain monitors which have thin bezels. Also, you start to not notice the bezels after a while playing. I know its weird but you do. also it lets you play the game seeing more of the world around you , which is muc more critical in a shooter, but handy in other games as well.

First shot is a single monitor and FOV you get...


Now the second which shows the FOV of 3 monitors and where the bezels would be...


As you can clearly see there is just no comparison between the FOV of single monitor VS 3+ monitors. Its like playing an entirely different game. Its much more immersive, more lifelike, and obviously would give you some advantages in games like shooters.

Edit: Some games do not support this feature, though. But most modern games are starting to adopt it.