7 Days to Die


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yea they will generally not walk directly into traps if they are just trying to path to you, but they will if knocked into them or if they're in rage mode trying to break shit. Can put some spikes on the ground below the beam or around the base supports, that will work. I don't personally use the spikes all that much, lot of upkeep for not much damage. Better to use your skill points on a weapon skill.

With the design above, I usually put some ladders on the side of the stairs, you want some redundancy so they don't lose the way to get up if a block breaks. If they can't find a path to you they will start smashing random shit and collapse your base eventually.
Part of the problem I have (and a little bit of this is me flying that same "I HATE CHANGE" banner I've been carrying ever since ~2019 or so) is that the blood moons now seem so disconnected from the rest of the gameplay loop. Like it used to be that the game pretty much completely centered around horde nights, all the farming and looting was focused on making it past the next 7th night. Aside from the very early game horde bases relied primarily on intelligent engineering to make it through each night, I ended up using my primary base as my horde base and built a very sophisticated drop trap system whose only real vulnerability was radioactive cops (needless to say this was ages before the bomber got added). It took a lot of work to get the wiring just right and I was really damn proud of it.

Now hordes are a chore that interfere with your ability to enjoy questing/POI grinding. Bases rely on exploiting the stupidity of the AI or on broken physics interactions to be effectively invincible and instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment/victory after each horde night, there's more of a feeling of 'thank god thats over so I can get back to POIs'. Basically they spent the last 5 years focusing almost exclusively on the POI gameplay whereas hordes are mostly just the same shit they've always been.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't think you're alone in that sentiment. The moment they started to try to punish players for smart builds, the game lost something.

Now, because of how crazy they went with it, having a crafting base and horde base in one is foolish. Which is unfortunate.

Not only that, but they decided that it'd be more fun to make the game about doing mini dungeons in the form of POIs and now that's the core gameplay loop. And like you said, that one seems at odds with the 7 day hordes part where they're entirely disconnected.

This isn't to say I hate the game or anything. It's one of my most played games of all time. It's just...different.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Part of the problem I have (and a little bit of this is me flying that same "I HATE CHANGE" banner I've been carrying ever since ~2019 or so) is that the blood moons now seem so disconnected from the rest of the gameplay loop. Like it used to be that the game pretty much completely centered around horde nights, all the farming and looting was focused on making it past the next 7th night. Aside from the very early game horde bases relied primarily on intelligent engineering to make it through each night, I ended up using my primary base as my horde base and built a very sophisticated drop trap system whose only real vulnerability was radioactive cops (needless to say this was ages before the bomber got added). It took a lot of work to get the wiring just right and I was really damn proud of it.

Now hordes are a chore that interfere with your ability to enjoy questing/POI grinding. Bases rely on exploiting the stupidity of the AI or on broken physics interactions to be effectively invincible and instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment/victory after each horde night, there's more of a feeling of 'thank god thats over so I can get back to POIs'. Basically they spent the last 5 years focusing almost exclusively on the POI gameplay whereas hordes are mostly just the same shit they've always been.

I agree that they tend to waiver quite a bit on the core gameplay. Previous alpha, the quest rewards were so good that the crafting was basically pointless because you would get much better rewards from traders. Now they're much less good but you get better rewards from the in-game achievements. I also don't love how they added zombies that spawn as you walk over a trigger, makes it a pain to find the last few sometimes if you don't follow the suggested path. Still, I enjoy my time in the game, have over 1000 hours in it. Also good for getting through my podcast watch list, once I have a decent base set up I put on a podcast on the second PC and I just build/farm stuff.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I turned blood moons off. Maybe I will turn them back on at some point for some challenge/variety, I certainly have consistently had more than enough resources to build a proper horde base, but since this is my first time playing with quests/POIs they are more than enough entertainment to keep me occupied for now.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I turned blood moons off. Maybe I will turn them back on at some point for some challenge/variety, I certainly have consistently had more than enough resources to build a proper horde base, but since this is my first time playing with quests/POIs they are more than enough entertainment to keep me occupied for now.

I should turn them off too. I am having way more fun building up a solid base (Where I can take my time with it if I want) exploring, unlocking skills, POI finding and such - but I am on Day 5 right now and I know I will end up being destroyed with the 1st blood moon. So all of that is hampered by "Fuck - I have 2 days left what am I going to do - I am barely surviving as it is :p"

Playing this on a couch on Series X with the new update finally hitting with 60 FPS is fucking awesome.
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Throbbing Member
I should turn them off too. I am having way more fun building up a solid base (Where I can take my time with it if I want) exploring, unlocking skills, POI finding and such - but I am on Day 5 right now and I know I will end up being destroyed with the 1st blood moon. So all of that is hampered by "Fuck - I have 2 days left what am I going to do - I am barely surviving as it is :p"

Playing this on a couch on Series X with the new update finally hitting with 60 FPS is fucking awesome.

Scope out a mission and use that as a horde base for your 7 day horde.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I should turn them off too. I am having way more fun building up a solid base (Where I can take my time with it if I want) exploring, unlocking skills, POI finding and such - but I am on Day 5 right now and I know I will end up being destroyed with the 1st blood moon. So all of that is hampered by "Fuck - I have 2 days left what am I going to do - I am barely surviving as it is :p"

Playing this on a couch on Series X with the new update finally hitting with 60 FPS is fucking awesome.
Wow what kind of pansy turns off blood moons?
  • 1Double Worf
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Wow what kind of pansy turns off blood moons?

Well, I didn't feel bad until I googled it after i read your comment and saw the same question everywhere :p At some point I'll gitgudfgt.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, I didn't feel bad until I googled it after i read your comment and saw the same question everywhere :p At some point I'll gitgudfgt.
Turds who have been playing non-stop throughout the early access. POIs are plenty challenging, I'm already running into wights, cops, and irradiated regulars/fatties at 3 skull diff.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Turds who have been playing non-stop throughout the early access. POIs are plenty challenging, I'm already running into wights, cops, and irradiated regulars/fatties at 3 skull diff.

Yeah and they are really fun. I have never really been so tactical in a game before when going into some of those areas.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One POI that pisses me off is the super tall apartment building with a penthouse at the top. Like 75% of the way up there is a part where you have to jump, but there is some shitty invisible block that gets in the way and you end up falling like 3 floors down
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Mr. Poopybutthole
One POI that pisses me off is the super tall apartment building with a penthouse at the top. Like 75% of the way up there is a part where you have to jump, but there is some shitty invisible block that gets in the way and you end up falling like 3 floors down
So destroy some blocks and build a proper pathway? I always bring building blocks with me whether I'm planning to cheese a POI or not.

Think I'm gonna tackle the hospital, 5 skull is a little intimidating but my game stage should be low enough to not get multiples of really nasty shit at the same time. A single radiated cop is no big deal, a radiated cop being covered by radiated soldiers/bikers would be a pain.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That is what I eventually did, but unless you know the jump spot is bugged, you have no way of knowing until you fall and fracture your leg lol

It’s a simple jump from one plank to another and the gap is only a few feet, but you hit the invis block just before the apex and fall straight down


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean you can cheese any poi by breaking locked doors or stacking boxes or tunneling through walls, but ruins the fun of doing the poi


Mr. Poopybutthole
You also run the risk, as someone said earlier, of missing their retarded triggers. They tried to put them in for jump scares, but it means if you do anything outside of the intended path, you could fuck it up and it'll bug out.


Trakanon Raider
What, you guys don’t like walking along a wall inside a house or building poi and triggering a half dozen birds who then get stuck under porches or roofs or in concrete blocks? Walking over a room having zombies spawn or fall down into a basement who then spend the next half hour trying to find their way to you by trying to mine through the building?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hospital was pretty easy aside from the horde of sleepers on the roof, fortunately it was an open area so I could just valiantly run away to give myself some room to blast em.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
btw i love that they dont have an animation for power attacking with the impact driver so you just slam it into whatever you're disassembling


Mr. Poopybutthole
lol if you exit the game mid-quest it resets the quest. Which is one way to repeatedly reset a POI if you want to do that for whatever reason, but if you do it at the end of the 5 skull shotgun messiah complex in the wasteland because something wasnt spawning right to finish off for the clear quest, it's really fucking annoying.