7 Days to Die


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is a great video to get up to speed on how to build bases that don't fall down, using electricity, and zombie horde management (cheese or otherwise).

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Dunno what I expected but level 6 missions are blah. Since there are no lvl 6 POIs all lvl 6 missions are infested clears of lvl 5 POIs. Some of them are utterly tedious slogs (any of the tall ones) and even ones where you can cheese the hardest parts like Red Mesa take a while to mop up.

I did turn blood moons back on and now I kinda wish I hadn't turned them off in the first place.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea I don't bother with any T5 or T6 missions, they take way too long and you always end up having to do way too much inventory sorting. Sometimes I stop at them to just ransack the main loot. Now that the tier 6 weapons are crafting only you might as well just run lower lvl missions in more difficult biomes and collect the parts to make them.

One thing that's not obvious is that lootstage affects your horde difficulty and drop quality as well. So if you're sitting in a higher tier biome (or within a POI's boundaries) you will get more difficult hordes but also better drops. I usually have a horde base in a POI for max loot and then a backup one outside the POI to run to in case things go bad (I play HC exclusively nowadays)

Lootstage goes up with your level and time alive then there is a boost indicated by the number of skulls under the POI name. It caps around 220 though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Huh, I didn't know that the biome affected the horde, maybe I'll find a nice clear spot in the wasteland to build a base.

But more likely I'm just about done with the game again. Which is fine, I got another big ass chunk of hours out of a game I paid like two bucks for.
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Mr. Poopybutthole

Had no idea about a lot of this stuff. Stacking drone storage mods seems particularly useful to me.


Throbbing Member

Had no idea about a lot of this stuff. Stacking drone storage mods seems particularly useful to me.

I have a love and hate with drones. Just because their pathing AI is a bastard and likes to place itself in front of a zombie or blocking an escape route.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have a love and hate with drones. Just because their pathing AI is a bastard and likes to place itself in front of a zombie or blocking an escape route.
Mine doesnt have collision but it does love to get in my way visually, or continually circle around behind me when I'm trying to access the inventory.
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Throbbing Member
Mine doesnt have collision but it does love to get in my way visually, or continually circle around behind me when I'm trying to access the inventory.
My bad, yeah sp is no problem. I mainly played MP and you can hurt each others drones. We used to accidentally kill each others drones ao much we just used increased backpack mods. I just used that in sp instead of a drone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Trying to do an infestation on each tier 5 POI and jotting down a couple notes, still several I either haven't done yet or did as a tier 5 but not as a tier 6 infestation.

Red Mesa = Surprisingly easy for a tier 5 military POI because it's non-stop chokepoints, making it easy to manage packs. You can also aggro two of the last big packs from the top of the tent at the very beginning of the POI by shooting them through grating, making it a bit easier. If you're playing with loot reset the loot room is right near the beginning of the map. Probably my favorite and most run Tier 5.

Grover High School = Nasty as fuck. Aggro probably half the POI at once at the very beginning with no chokepoints, including vultures. Fortunately the AI is retarded and interferes with each other jumping off the roof which allowed me to space them out a bit, if they'd come down en masse i might have had to abandon. Loot is *right* in front of the front door of the school.

Higashi Pharmaceutical = Fairly easy packs until the end which will buttrape you if you dont flee back to a choke as soon as you aggro.

Crack a Book HQ = so easy it doesn't even feel like a Tier 5, relatively short and easy to deal with packs. Great POI to prioritize if you want to finish maxing crafting skills.

Shamway Factory = Fucking awful, long tedious map, constantly having packs all around you/falling through trap floors. Run once for the Sham recipe if you're a completionist, otherwise avoid like a zombie bite.

Navezgane Correctional = There are two tier 5 prison POIs, this one is in the northeast in the Snow Biome (in Navezgane) and kinda sucks. Poor chokes and mobs spawning behind you occasionally.

Haven Hotel = Terrible. Constant no-return dropoffs and mobs being dropped all around you. I did get several legendary components but savage country is available much earlier and is not nearly as much of a headache.

Last Sunset Nursing Home = I...barely remember this even though I just did it today. Middle of the road I guess.

Shotgun Messiah factory, Navezgane General, Athletics Complex, and Minotaur Theater I did as Tier 5s but not as infestations. From what I remember of doing it as a T5 I expect Shotgun Messiah will be just as awful as Shamway. Navezgane General is probably gonna be a snooze considering the lack of a biome difficulty modifier.

About to do Dishong for the first time ever.


Dishong was fairly easy but also a huge waste of time. Took ages to get to the top and its too damn far away to ferry stuff back to the 4x4 so tons of loot went to waste.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is my expanded mid/late-game version of the basic horde base design posted last week. The side wings give enough room to use electric fences across the beam and are accessible from inside to repair them. The pit has a gun turret at the bottom and you can shoot down into it from the roof if needed, this is only really needed if you get a bunch of dogs that can't climb out. The further you get in the game, the fewer dogs you get so it's rarely needed.

Support pillars have 3-4 foundation blocks underneath them (remove sand layers until you hit rock, then build up from there) so the odd explosion doesn't undermine things immediately. Not critical for day 7/14 but smart to do once you get to the midgame stage.

The wedge pieces on the side walls and fighting wall stop cops from spitting at the base while still letting you use a thin wall piece on the inside so you have some room to move.

Building off to the right is a backup base, not needed if you don't play HC. At this point the only real threat is multiple demo zombies blowing up at the fighting wall, rest of the zombies are just a stream of XP and loot that walks up to me.

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Throbbing Member
The wedge pieces on the side walls and fighting wall stop cops from spitting at the base while still letting you use a thin wall piece on the inside so you have some room to move.
Are those actually working to stop spit? Watching some other creators and from my own experience it seems that unless you have a full block cops will see you through it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are those actually working to stop spit? Watching some other creators and from my own experience it seems that unless you have a full block cops will see you through it.

Yes, they seem to work. No longer have to patch up random holes in the walls now. It was actually a later addition as I wasn't really up to speed on the cop spit mechanics.

This video is by the same guy I posted earlier on this page, well worth watching as he really tested a lot of this stuff out.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Glad to see more mods leaning into the "learn by doing" method. After the zombie base changes and turning everything into a POI quest, changing to this system where you just put points into shit to learn it has been one of the worst changes.

If GnS likes the mod, it's probably good. Played through Undead Legacy, Darkness Falls, and Rebirth all due to his playthroughs and enjoyed all of them.
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Throbbing Member
I have had a lot of fun with mods in 7DTD. Darkness Falls, in particular, brings a real challenge. This looks interesting too.
I think Khaine is working on something else atm and won't be updating Darkness Falls for a bit. Not sure if anything has changed on that.


<Silver Donator>
I think Khaine is working on something else atm and won't be updating Darkness Falls for a bit. Not sure if anything has changed on that.

Yes, he has a new standalone project cooking, I think, but he is still working on DF.

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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Are any of those overhaul mods you mentioned updated yet for 1.0? My friends and I have been playing this and we sort of got tired of the base game after we "solved" it. Will probably try out Afterlife, but I had been aware of UL and DF.


Throbbing Member
Are any of those overhaul mods you mentioned updated yet for 1.0? My friends and I have been playing this and we sort of got tired of the base game after we "solved" it. Will probably try out Afterlife, but I had been aware of UL and DF.

I caught this a week ago.
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