I was stuck on, "How the fuck do you know she's a teller?" and moved onIt was so obvious to me that the answer is 1), but knowing it was a trick question, I had to google it to see what the 'gotcha' was, since I had to be wrong to answer it so fast.... Only to find that the answer is 1). I really don't know anyone could possibly answer 2). Something more general is always more probable than something specific. How is that not extreme common sense?
You could also say monty has a 100% chance of having a goat. Which is handy, because he's going to throw a goat out when he resets the game in the second round.2. Monty Hall has a 2/3 chance of being left with the car, after the contestant chooses.
What happens if we set it up like I said earlier, and your initial choice is what snack do you want from the candy machine? So monty throws away one box, and obviously of the 2 boxes left (according to prevailing "logic" around here), one would have a 33% chance of being the prize, and the other a 66% chance. So which box is which? Or are you arguing that the act of choosing is somehow altering what's inside the boxes?
What if there are 2 contestants, and at the end of the first round, the unpicked box is revealed to be a goat? Do they both have a 66% of winning if they switch?
To be more precise, in all cases, the host will throw away a losing option. I asked earlier if anyone had ever compiled the actual results from the show, and I don't see where anyone was able to find them. But, I've been thinking about it and I'm not sure the game was played like this on the real show, so while interesting, those results would probably be irrelevant.As to Araysar, I don't think his problem is with the math per se. His issue is he doesn't understand that the first choice matters. He see's that under all cases, the host throws away an option, so he thinks you can safely just ignore his action. Ignoring him since 100% of the time he picks a goat, your really only left with 2 choices: Your door has a car and the other door has a goat, or your door has a goat and the other door has a car. Hence 50/50.
I always wondered if anyone ever took their goats home. I mean, a goat aint a bad prize unless you live in the city.