A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)


Lord Nagafen Raider
He had a choice between expediting the writing process and giving up and just finishing the HBO series first. He chose the latter.
I wonder if they are they going to just attempt to do some off the tracks wrap up of the story for the HBO series, or if they will just allow it to abruptly end with the casual viewers wondering why they invested several years in watching a show that has no apparent hope of resolution.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
They know how the books end the producers said. We will likely be getting spoilers if the show runs long enough .


Silver Baron of the Realm
Dance with Dragons was really pretty good. If you didn't like it I have to wonder what attracted you to the series initially. Perhaps Dragonlance or some more Drizzt would tickle your fancy.
What attracted me initially was the solid depiction of feudal political intrigue and maneuvering along with skillful writing and engagingly believable characters. Mr. Martin laid out a political framework, fleshed out some interesting characters and let the story flow, no bullshit; just deliberate, well paced and logical character progression. So many authors have their characters just stumble around and blunder into one pivotal scenario after another just because God/Fate/The Author wills it or some other rubbish, it's lazy and poor storytelling.

The reason that I did not enjoy most of the 5th book is because he decided to dig his heels in and throw that wonderful pacing and progression out the window. We are then left with characters who virtually make cameo appearances before vanishing while Jon goes about killing himself, Danny pouts and Tyrion makes us wish that he just had a time skip for the majority of the book. Of course there are several PoV's to enjoy as well but they are comparatively short in length when compared to the above and thus color my view of the novel in a negative light. Though maybe you adored everything about Jon, Danny and Tyrion this time around Chanur, more power to you.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly, I forgive a lot of the bloat that was in A Dance with Dragons simply for that chapter where Barristan Selmy dons his armor and kicks some ass


<WoW Guild Officer>
It's a fucking meta-troll if the tv-show-only assholecrowd is going to be able to spoil the ending of ASoIaF for the book-only assholecrowd.

That's gotta be it. Everyone knows he's going to kill every person you hold dear (in the book, but probably real life), so he's finally going to fuck with people this way.


Trump's Staff
His fat ass is gonna croak long before the series is finished.

I'm way past giving a fuck.


Buzzfeed Editor
Honestly, I forgive a lot of the bloat that was in A Dance with Dragons simply for that chapter where Barristan Selmy dons his armor and kicks some ass
Yeah, the high points of ADwD were super awesome, the lulls just weren't what people wanted, I don't think, and some people let that color their entire experience.


Golden Squire
I think it's a colossal failure of editing more than anything else. It needed tightened up on what was there and it needed 200 more pages to provide a climax to the Winterfell and Meereen incoming battles. There was also some serious overuse of character motifs going on.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
There was a lot of really cool stuff in the book. Yes there was some down time, but there was politics, particularly in Mereen and lots of awesome scenes. The Rat Cook shall live on in infamy! The Shavepat, Barriston slaying bitches etc. Tons of stuff to love.


Buzzfeed Editor
It really does feel like it ended 3/4 of the way through the book, like his publishers just finally said "enough is fucking enough". But I figured that was what he was going for, an Empire Strikes Back kind of thing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Bit disappointing in how it left all those cliffhangers. But considering in the next book ALL of the characters are going to have viewpoints, the first 1/3-1/4 of the book is going to be pretty amazing with all of the stuff that will be presented e.g. What happens to Jon, battle of Winterfell, Meereen, Victarion, Cersei


<Bronze Donator>
I think there's definite potential for the next book to be really great. AFfC and ADwD both just seemed bloated. There are high points which are awesome: the Selmy part already mentioned, Frey pie, Janos Slynt. But also a lot of nothing. And felt like very little of Dragons specifically was surprising which is one of the greatest things about the first three novels. There were no like blackout cliffhanger endings where I actually thought a character was dead.

The comment above about editing is spot on I think.


Trump's Staff
I found everything that happened in Dorne fucking boooooooring. Killed the 4th book for me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
He had a choice between expediting the writing process and giving up and just finishing the HBO series first. He chose the latter.
Is there a quote of this or is this just an observation of reality?


Toe Sucker
I have like 10% of ADWD left and i'm entirely bored of it :X Hard to not want to just drop it and read something else, blaah.