A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I've not ever finished The wheel of Time. I want to say the last book I read was crossroads of Twilight maybe. I just remember it was just boring as hell, and the only thing that was going on was Matt was going to go into some other dimension to fight lizard people or something to rescue Moraine maybe.

I haven't read them in like 10-15 years. I thought about picking them back up just to conclude it. I think I have all of them on audio other than the last bunch where Sanderson finished it out.

Is it worth checking out? I know there's first four or five books are fantastic, the third probably being my favorite. Then he just goes off the rails much like Martin does. However at least his story has been told, good or bad, it's at least been completed, and that chicken wing eating duck can't make that claim.

I think it is worth picking up because Sanderson does about as good a job as anyone could have done to finish that monstrosity of a story. He had Jordan's extensive notes about every single character and the last chapter was written by Jordan years and years before he died. What you realize is that Sanderson really cuts to the chase and gets things rolling and it still takes 3 gigantic books to finish the story. It would have taken Jordan at least 6 more books and 20 years to complete and probably would not have been as good. I actually think that Sanderson finished it better than Jordan could have himself in a whole "forest for the trees" kind of way. It is why I think he could do the same for a living GRRM if Martin had a shred of humility and desire to get the finished narrative out there before he dies.
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<Silver Donator>
I think it is worth picking up because Sanderson does about as good a job as anyone could have done to finish that monstrosity of a story. He had Jordan's extensive notes about every single character and the last chapter was written by Jordan years and years before he died. What you realize is that Sanderson really cuts to the chase and gets things rolling and it still takes 3 gigantic books to finish the story. It would have taken Jordan at least 6 more books and 20 years to complete and probably would not have been as good. I actually think that Sanderson finished it better than Jordan could have himself in a whole "forest for the trees" kind of way. It is why I think he could do the same for a living GRRM if Martin had a shred of humility and desire to get the finished narrative out there before he dies.
I loved the first five or six books. When I wasn't doing stuff with for studying school work, I just go to a coffee shop in College Station, sit outside and just listen to classical music and read those books. They were wonderful.

I loved them. I just got so burnt up with the last one but I read. I would probably be happy finishing the series but I'm kind of apprehensive.

I mean I guess I remember the first three four or five books, but once he starts getting into the weeds, I'm lost. Does Sanderson actually do a good job of concluding the entire story?

I know there's the other thread but I haven't looked at it because I never finished the goddamn books? Was there two other books or three other books? What's it really awesome?

I loved that series when I was young, and I would like to finish it, but I'm tired of getting burned out by TV series or book series or whatever not ever getting finished....