Who is equivocating that with murder exactly?I am curious why some of you equivocate the termination of the fertilized harvested eggs with murder then?
I think you're over simplifying it. There are many cases that does not fit into your model. F.inst. not all abortions would from a scientific pow have become a person - neural tube defects of various degrees is an example - Some are not viable and we terminate early before naturally occurring event, which can be dangerous to the women.People are making this too complicated.
Abortion= consciously ending the possibility of life for the zygote / fetus / baby, knowing that the alternative is allowing it to become a person
A zygote that dies by itself has had no conscious decision maker act on it; therefore, there's no reason to morally scrutinize the event. In the same way, we don't bring up morality when someone dies in a tornado.
I agree religion should have no say in this matter at all. Their freedom ends where yours (ours) begins - basic human rights. I simply misread your earlier post. Thank you for reiteratingI'm saying its unfair to make couples who can't conceive forbidden to try IVF because someone else's god says life begins at conception. Your religion isn't everyone else's religion. That's the first amendment.
And it doesn't matter if its a right or a privilege to get to that step (having children). Though most would classify it as a right versus privilege. (Including the law under the privacy penumbra).
I was under the impressionyou did- perhaps I'm misreading your post (most likely)? By deus ex machina I simply meant we're interfering in the naturally occurring process and thus saying that terminating the non viable zygotes is murder is the same as not understanding how fertilization and IVF works. Perhaps I should have chose my words more carefully as I am an atheist, albeit this is a game forum, no?Who is equivocating that with murder exactly?
Also it's an insult to a supreme being by saying that all we need to do to play God is to pluck eggs and throw sperm at them.
he was saying other people were using the word murder, when its not appropriate.I was under the impressionyou did- perhaps I'm misreading your post (most likely)? By deus ex machina I simply meant we're interfering in the naturally occurring process and thus saying that terminating the non viable zygotes is murder is the same as not understanding how fertilization and IVF works. Perhaps I should have chose my words more carefully as I am an atheist, albeit this is a game forum, no?![]()
Also Keg said somewhere along the lines that it is murder to terminate a zygotehere.
Could you elaborate - or point to the post where you do?
I find this to be a serious problem.I agree religion should have no say in this matter at all. Their freedom ends where yours (ours) begins - basic human rights. I simply misread your earlier post. Thank you for reiterating![]()
We aid women, IVF, if we're technologically and economically able to do so. The ability to do so should be protected, naturally - I suspect this is what you're arguing for, since religious nuts are making this problematic where you live. It's a non-issue where I live - religion has no say in the matter.
As to whether it's a right or a privilege I'm firmly in the second category. I do not believe it is a given right to be able to conceive - It goes against what we know of the human body. The point(s) of failure are anatomically, physiologically and biochemically vast. How can we possibly legislate on this as well as human genotypes and phenotypes, earlier generations mistakes (exposure) etc? That seems excessive, no?![]()
See everyone, this is my vindication for being a hardass about the English language. Izo is so confused by you people throwing around terms he's entirely unable to understand my posts. At least you're not alone because I have no idea what you're trying to say either. So let me how I resolve my stance on believing that an individual's life begins at conception and my stance of being okay with IVF:I was under the impressionyou did- perhaps I'm misreading your post (most likely)?
It's simple. Just focus on the decision to have anabortion. If you decide to abort, you've eliminated ANY possibility of life for the zygote. Yes, the zygote may not become a person anyway, but that's beside the point. If, at the time you abort, you knew that if left alone, the zygote would likely become a person (again, nothing in life is definite, but you had no other reason to believe that the zygote isn't viable), then you've taken its life.I think you're over simplifying it. There are many cases that does not fit into your model. F.inst. not all abortions would from a scientific pow have become a person - neural tube defects of various degrees is an example - Some are not viable and we terminate early before naturally occurring event, which can be dangerous to the women.
There are many nuances to 'zygote that dies by itself'. I stated numerous variations of this, some could easily be argued are induced by environment, nutrition, tobacco, alcohol and genetic defects. The more physiology and biochemistry knowledge one possesses it becomes much more nuanced than what you're implying. I understand your comparison, albeit I'd argue a the force of nature, tornados, is by far more random and destructive then the controlled process ofabortion. Also I could imagine some cases where contractors would be liable for not building homes tornado proof or safe - using the wrong materials and whatnot. Again too simplistic, there are obviously a huge gray area which you're not addressing.
What about the morula state or the 3 plate state? When is it morally problematic? Some pregnancies terminate because the woman has suboptimal growth environment for the zygote. Some terminate or damage the zygote, morula or child to be by ingesting toxins from food, tobacco, alcohol etc or other inappropriate actions. So far it seems you've only touched on two instances, not even the extremes.
I thought I put it plainly in my first post - Where do you draw the line? Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on your statements?
Normally the egg and sperm meet in the ovarian tubes -> fertilization (conception) happens here and the outcome, the zygote, is then transported to the uterine cavity and implants if possible. Hormones support and sustain this process.See everyone, this is my vindication for being a hardass about the English language. Izo is so confused by you people throwing around terms he's entirely unable to understand my posts. At least you're not alone because I have no idea what you're trying to say either. So let me how I resolve my stance on believing that an individual's life begins at conception and my stance of being okay with IVF:
Even if IVF destroys a few zygotes, it brings life to where there would not be life.
I don't understand what you're talking about, lol. You're talking about something different than the DECISION to have anabortion. Honestly, you're confusing yourself by adding unrelated aspects of fetal development. Fetal development is a different topic.Abortionis a decision to eliminate life for a zygote / fetus.And what of the cases where theabortionis caused by our bodies instead of induced by physicians? The incidence rate of these are much vaster in numbers. They represent a huge, to me, interesting gray area - from what we can consider natural processes to the more dubious of nature. I've stated a few of them inpost 200- the sky is the limit with regards to variations. Hardly any can be attributed to 'bad parenting' as such - being a unknowing recessive carrier of a genetic disorder, having degrees of phenotype defects related to conceiving, being overweight, lifetime alcohol intake (damages eggs etc), eating polluted food, using drugs with unknown toxicological side effects or interactions (Thalidomide anyone?), lack of critical building blocks (folic acid) - the list goes on. Where do you draw the line here? Is it even realistic to draw a line here?
Okay. Let us try this one more time and this time I'll be a bit more precise:abortionis not solely the decision to eliminate life for a zygote / fetus. Reading here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortionone realizes the termabortioncovers more than the induced type, specifically miscarriages - also known as spontaneous abortions. Are we on the same page now?I don't understand what you're talking about, lol. You're talking about something different than the DECISION to have anabortion. Honestly, you're confusing yourself by adding unrelated aspects of fetal development. Fetal development is a different topic.Abortionis a decision to eliminate life for a zygote / fetus.
Thread title is "Abortion" Not sure what is confusing about that.I didn't know this was a thread about the different types ofabortionand their mechanisms. Someone please unconfuse one of us![]()
And the point of this thread is to talk about all aspects ofabortion(induced and spontaneous), including physiology and fetal development? My impression was that this thread is about inducedabortionin situations where the zygote is thought to be viable and whether or not it constitutes taking a life. Why are people bringing up spontaneous abortions?Thread title is "Abortion" Not sure what is confusing about that.