No. Everything you believe in is wrong. There is nothing worse than death. People do give a shit about children once they are born. They do care about quality education and ethics and virtue, and believe in evolution, and that Zimmerman was an asshole (wat?). Abortions are not good for society. Access to abortion? Yes, but that is a different thing.
You're right, there are people who care about those things, they just happen to be different people to the ones who work so hard to restrict abortion.
I wonder how many of the pro-life crowd would be willing to pay a small tax to go towards providing a high quality of life for all the extra unwanted children in return for abortion being banned. After all, they're saving lives right? They should part from the money without a second thought.
Reality is, none of them would do it. They don't give a fuck about people or lives, just about maintaining some arbitrary stance so they can feel warm and fuzzy inside and fit in with all their church friends.
What really fucks my head up is that the same people who hate abortion also hate contraception & sex ed, love guns and want to cut social spending. Sacel is right, it's completely contradictory to say you want less abortions because you love life, but then support basically every policy which increases unwanted pregnancy, increases the risk of them getting killed
afterbirth and decreases class equality and the chance for a happy, successful life for them when they grow up. It's a disgusting level of hypocrisy.
Abortion is absolutely good society. Not as good as reducing unwanted pregnancy through widespread, regular sex ed and easy, cheap access to all forms of contraception, but still better than nothing at all. If people gave a damn about saving lives, they'd be handing out contraception and teaching teenagers that any time a dick and a pussy go anywhere near each other,they should assume they'll end up with a baby unless you use it.