To you, the years ahead only have meaning in context of the years past.
I don't think that's just "to me." That argument would serve as a condemnation of literally anything that reduces the fertility rate below the fecundity rate. That's clearly not the argument you intend to make but that is a direct implication of what you are saying.
To you, a fetus is not a "child".
Because "to me" not every collection of human cells constitutes a human being. "To me" a human mind is the only non-theological distinction that exists. That test isn't great because it's not a bright line but that's why we consider other factors as well.
To you, a life with misery would not be worth living.
"To me" a life
ofmisery would not be worth living. That's not the same thing at all.
But no one is suggesting that you be aborted. Well, actually they are because you do stupid shit like break posts up to reply line by line.
Yeah, you're right. This clusterfuck of a paragraph composed of line-by-line responses that you've shat out like some constipated context-free turd is
muchless stupid. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
But in general, the concept of abortion is that you are making a determination for another being.
Well by the time they're in a position to make that determination, it's already too late. The damage has already been done to their lives and the lives of their parents.
I never said that many people don't "experience torturous lives", I said that to use that as the go-to argument in support of abortion is asinine.
What is asinine about it? The fact that you can't comprehend how someone would wish they had never been born? Guess what, douchebag: that means you live in a silly, simple, easymode bubble world.
Definitions on all of this shit are so nebulous that it can mean anything to anyone. The guy a couple of posts up is trying to use crime to justify abortion, how far should you take this? I really hate beets, would it be better to have children be aborted rather than subject them to beets?
Yeah that's why people are getting abortions. Good thing that you're not being asinine. Otherwise this conversation might take a ridiculous turn.
You are using your perception to make a very final decision for another living being. There is no possible way to moralize that.
Sure there is. It's pretty easy in this case.
Look, I'm pro-choice. Abortion happens, and access to it is absolutely necessary to our society, and the concept of a woman's choice is likewise essential. But the act itself is immoral in most cases. It is what it is.
So women should be able to get abortions, they're just scum for doing it. Yeah you're super enlightened. Seriously, save that dumb fucking preamble for someone who's idiotic enough to fall for it.