

Exactly. So why would there not be even thousands of labs attempting this under a massive amount of privacy?
I can tell you one reason why. Look at the current director of the NIH, you know that massive institution that also happens to give out quite a bit of grants for research.


I never took the position that human cloning is bad, wtf would I explain that to you?

I don't think you understand how much is at stake for any labs that are capable of the type of experiments you are talking about. We are talking hundreds of millions of dollars in public funding. There are extremely strict protocols involved in securing and maintaining that funding. Going outside of the experimental design that is being funded will not only lose your grant money, but it can also land your ass in jail. The idea that hundreds of labs around the world ore conducting secret, unethical research is preposterous. You don't have a single shred of evidence that this is happening beyond your own intuition.
You don't have a single shred of evidence that this ISN'T happening beyond your own intuition.

All intuition says that it is happening. The atrocities that big pharma does and somehow not a single group out there in all the world hasn't taken a little bit of liberties? Come on now.


Human cloning is bad, because we're bad at cloning mammals and even worse at cloning primates. If we get better at and can actually make genetically "normal" clones then there is a legal quagmire of immense proportions to stumble through where there are any number ways in which clones could be used for unethical purposes.

You don't have a single shred of evidence that this ISN'T happening beyond your own intuition.
That's fucking amateur hour even from you.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
You don't have a single shred of evidence that this ISN'T happening beyond your own intuition.
Wow, so your defense boils down to challenging your opponent to prove a negative or the absense of an action? LOL, nice try. That might work in a battle of wits against junior high kids, but not around here pal. That's like saying God exists because you can't prove that he doesn't. It's the logic of a moron.

BTW, the fact that you can't name one single lab that has been implicated in unethical human cloning, is a metric fuckton more evidence supporting my position than any evidence supporting yours.


Wow, so your defense boils down to challenging your opponent to prove a negative or the absense of an action? LOL, nice try. That might work in a battle of wits against junior high kids, but not around here pal.

BTW, the fact that you can't name one single lab that has been implicated in unethical human cloning, is a metric fuckton more evidence supporting my position than any evidence supporting yours.
But they are super secret labs. I bet they are in SCIFs that fanaskin did surveillance testing for.


Wow, so your defense boils down to challenging your opponent to prove a negative or the absense of an action? LOL, nice try. That might work in a battle of wits against junior high kids, but not around here pal. That's like saying God exists because you can't prove that he doesn't. It's the logic of a moron.

BTW, the fact that you can't name one single lab that has been implicated in unethical human cloning, is a metric fuckton more evidence supporting my position than any evidence supporting yours.



JunkiesNetwork Donor
Wow, you are getting desperate now. quotes from your two links...

Siegel, who heard the company's actual name was not Clonaid, decided that the Clonaid project was a sham
But that's not what ACT wants. This experiment is central to its pursuit of therapeutic, not reproductive, cloning. Simply put, ACT wants to create stem cells, not human beings.
Try harder.


Where's Lumie when you need him, Robert Lanza clones a human? Adam Lanza shoots up a school. Coincidence, I think not. And if you read the article,

"If Lanza can get to morula stage, well, that's when the controversy is sure to begin. It's at this point that the embryo's genome - the donor's complete DNA - will have kicked in. No larger than the head of a pin, the morula has enormous potential. An embryo at this stage could be implanted in a uterus, a process typically done after 48 hours in the 100,000 in vitro fertilization procedures done in the US each year. Thus, a human clone - should a scientist choose that path.

But that's not what ACT wants. This experiment is central to its pursuit of therapeutic, not reproductive, cloning."


JunkiesNetwork Donor
If you don't know the difference between therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning, then I'm not gonna waste my time.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Obviously you don't if you think that second article validates your opinion that hundreds of labs are secretly developing unethical, reproductive cloning techniques.


Show me proof that there is a lab out there that is actively pursuing re-productively cloning a human being and I will believe you.

And, if you prove there is, when it happens, you have to provide evidence that you don't believe in God anymore and became a lobbyist forabortion.


Obviously you don't if you think that second article validates your opinion that hundreds of labs are secretly developing unethical, reproductive cloning techniques.
If you don't realize that it's the same exact process up to the point where they stop and just don't finish it then .....


If it is the same exact process up to where they stop, where are all the clones? Shouldn't there be a bunch running around?
You do know the process right? Seems like you don't. The entire process is exactly the same except in therapeutic you don't go to the implant stage.

My point is that you can't successfully clone a human. They are trying. They should try.