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The visuals and soundtrack in Intersteller were great... but the little girl having an annoying old mans name sucked.
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Come on! Didn't that scene break your heart?
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The visuals and soundtrack in Intersteller were great... but the little girl having an annoying old mans name sucked.
View attachment 223577
I thought Jonathan Nolan's original script was awesome but I get what Christopher Nolan's movie was going for as well, and while I understand the chagrin at the somewhat Deus ex Machina at the end, it bothers me that people take such umbrage at Nolan's message in that movie. I guess it was too overt "get your emotion out of my scifi!!". It's not that different from Inception, except you don't even have the possibility of a reunion here, just a new life with Millennial Julia Roberts. I had a four year old daughter at the time, so the idea of giving up a life with his daughter to do anything hit me right in the muurrrrpph box, so much that I didn't find this movie pleasant to watch at all. "Docking" is one of the best put-together sequences in any movie, period. Cinematography, sound design, and score are so amazing, though.The original script for Interstellar sounded much better, although I still like the movie a lot. The whole "love" stuff was over the top, though
I thought Jonathan Nolan's original script was awesome but I get what Christopher Nolan's movie was going for as well, and while I understand the chagrin at the somewhat Deus ex Machina at the end, it bothers me that people take such umbrage at Nolan's message in that movie. I guess it was too overt "get your emotion out of my scifi!!". It's not that different from Inception, except you don't even have the possibility of a reunion here, just a new life with Millennial Julia Roberts. I had a four year old daughter at the time, so the idea of giving up a life with his daughter to do anything hit me right in the muurrrrpph box, so much that I didn't find this movie pleasant to watch at all. "Docking" is one of the best put-together sequences in any movie, period. Cinematography, sound design, and score are so amazing, though.
6.5/10. The first half is excellent, full of cool "space shit" and Brad Pitt being a calm bad-ass astronaut doing great stuff. Then the movie kinda turns into a "I got Daddy issues" movie by the director and is interesting but not great. There are definitely some cool ideas in here, but its a bit bogged down by people doing stuff that doesn't really make much sense to service the plot. The space stuff looks great but also simultaneously something is "off" about it, I guess this is supposed to be maybe 40-80 years in the future but all the tech looks like its out of the 2010s, which is a bit weird.
The movie I'd really closest compare it to is Sunshine (Danny Boyle, starring Cillian Murphy). It has similar broad strokes and rhythm. I hate to say but I think Interstellar is a much better movie than this, and I REALLY hated all the love bullshit in Interstellar, but that movie is visually arresting.
The first half is definitely worth a watch in IMAX, but i honestly fell asleep twice in the last 30 minutes. Its kinda boring and a few "c'mon... really" moments. Brad Pitt is fantastic, really carries a lot of the movie on his shoulders. I don't think women will like this movie, its very father-son driven in the story and there is a lot of just people staring at stuff scenes.
I don't think women will like this movie, its very father-son driven in the story and there is a lot of just people staring at stuff scenes.
I agree whole heartedly. It was 2001, Sunshine, First Man, and Event Horizon all rolled into one. And I agree that something felt off about the special effects. Like it was beautiful, but also felt like a Netflix movie. I struggle to describe it, but something just felt completely off. Like it was good CGI, but I felt like it needed practical effects like Interstellar.
I felt like a lot of the movie was just put in there to waste time. Like the unnecessary part on the moon where there are moon pirates was ridiculous, and the whole plot of the ship stopping to help a stranded ship (Sunshine) with an obvious disaster on board was tedious and pointless except to kill off a character that otherwise didn't need to even exist. And the three people on the ship effectively killing themself in about 60 seconds was just laughable. Parts were just boring. An older man passed out in the theater and could hear him snoring through the last 1/3 of the movie.
I laughed out loud at the $125 for the pillow and blanket on the plane.
This is a very good description of the movie. The two things the movie wants to explore are "Fathers and Sons", specifically in a "Sins of the Father" kind of way and "Man's place in the Universe". Plus a bunch of cool space shit that the NASA people who consulted on the movie are very proud of.
From my viewing last night, the problem with exploring those themes is that they really aren't the movie the trailer sold to people. The question it asks of "What is out there?" isn't wrong per se, but people who are hoping for an action/adventure hunt down Tommy Lee movie are gonna be really disappointed when they get 2001. There were some really vocal people who hated it leaving it, and people who also loved it. And that gap was basically, from what I saw, 30 and younger hating it, older loving it. Which happens at basically every slow burn movie I've seen in the last few years. The VVitch or It Comes at Night being 2 examples I can think of leaving a theater where people were really disappointed by what they saw and I think the trailers had a lot to do with it.
Addressing your spoiler:
I dont think, in the end, those scenes and things were pointless. And it's for the same reason Brad Pitt's character felt hopeful at the end. There is fighting for resources, people trying to save each other, then people pointlessly throwing their life away. I think the point being if we are alone, we can't do these things, we need to work together, we need to save ourselves from ourselves if we are going to survive in this galaxy. No aliens are going to be our salvation, which is what they were searching for, both in the Lima project and with the space antenna at the beginning. All we have is ourselves and we need to embrace that and each other. Mankind is the only savior we have.
Saw it, was expecting... something more than I got. I guess I enjoyed the experience but where I would recommend interstellar for the jaw dropping space scenes and gut wrenching consequences of their actions, I cant even recommend this as a spend money on this film. I enjoyed the ride and the visuals, but I can watch a slideshow of planets and have the same visceral feeling I got watching this.
Having said that, Brad did a great job and carried this movie, well because there werent really any other characters in this film. Everyone else, even the father to a degree was background noise.
I hated Anne Hathaway’s character with a primal rage.
6.5/10. The first half is excellent, full of cool "space shit" and Brad Pitt being a calm bad-ass astronaut doing great stuff. Then the movie kinda turns into a "I got Daddy issues" movie by the director and is interesting but not great. There are definitely some cool ideas in here, but its a bit bogged down by people doing stuff that doesn't really make much sense to service the plot. The space stuff looks great but also simultaneously something is "off" about it, I guess this is supposed to be maybe 40-80 years in the future but all the tech looks like its out of the 2010s, which is a bit weird.
The movie I'd really closest compare it to is Sunshine (Danny Boyle, starring Cillian Murphy). It has similar broad strokes and rhythm. I hate to say but I think Interstellar is a much better movie than this, and I REALLY hated all the love bullshit in Interstellar, but that movie is visually arresting.
The first half is definitely worth a watch in IMAX, but i honestly fell asleep twice in the last 30 minutes. Its kinda boring and a few "c'mon... really" moments. Brad Pitt is fantastic, really carries a lot of the movie on his shoulders. I don't think women will like this movie, its very father-son driven in the story and there is a lot of just people staring at stuff scenes.
AMC is giving a very cool pin with IMAX tickets, Regal is doing a patch
Right?? The main character never risked anything. He already had pushed his wife away, and to him his dad was dead. So seeing him was a bonus, and then he ends up back on earth having lost nothing, but instead has gained the benefit of wanting to be around people and makes up with his wife. But nothing else. Interstellar was brutal, leaving his daughter, the consequences of wasting even 10 minutes on that gravity planet, etc. Infinitely better movie!!