Blackwing Lair Raider
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- 1,187
5.5/10 Some of the visuals are awesome, but as somebody said above there's a lot of pointless plot in this. Also a lot of plot that I think doesn't make much sense. I can appreciate the point they were making, but I feel like they could have cut out some of the useless plot points to enhance that aspect. And some of the science seemed ridiculous.
Wtf how was the space station at Neptune creating these power surges so far away, lolol! Just cause they had some antimatter and did something with it it can generate more damaging energy than the sun from that far away… right.. hilarious to think about when Neptune to Earth distance is like 30 times the distance of Earth to Sun.
Monkey part was pointless. In fact the whole mutiny part was pretty pointless too. There was this effort to build up how cool Pitt's character is under pressure, but I'm not sure what for.
Moon chase was kind of cool but added nothing. They used it as a vehicle to ramp up the tension / intrigue but it didn't add to the plot at all in the end.
Lol @ using the explosion as propulsion to get back from freaking Neptune at the end. Really? I mean sure you could theoretically use the force as propulsion, but the idea that you could use an uncontrolled explosion to give you the force vector you need to get all the way back from Neptune to Earth or wherever seems ridiculous.
It looked like they had something that was actually generating antimatter on that station and with the damage from the mutiny it was starting to go out of control where it kept generating more and then random bursts of EMP would flare out and it was just going to keep getting worse until the whole thing blew up to kingdome come. Also why nuking it was a viable option blow it up and disperse it and stop it from making more antimatter while you still can. As for the vector he still had some fuel and vector control just not enough to make it back to earth. So he used the kick from the explosion to enhance what control he had to get him going the right direction. Getting up to speed probably was not the biggest ? it is how did they slow him down enough to catch up to him/stop the ship because he did not have the fuel for breaking.